[liberationtech] Even our lightbulbs are spying on us now

Richard Brooks rrb at g.clemson.edu
Wed Jun 24 16:04:18 CEST 2020

On 6/24/20 12:26 AM, Tim Schwartz wrote:
> While we’re on the topic of audio and electricity... 
> The use of hums in electrical grids for forensic of audio or video is
> fascinating.... https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-20629671
> Remember to add some hum to your deepfakes ;)
> -Tim

Have seen researchers discuss using this for localizing
where audio and video was made, also for detecting tampering
in audio and video by looking for discontinuities in
the 50/60 hz. components of Fourier transform.

Do not know the dependability of this analysis.

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