[liberationtech] They Used Smartphone Cameras to Record Police Brutality—and Change History
David Stodolsky
dss at socialinformatics.org
Thu Jun 18 13:43:14 CEST 2020
> On 15 Jun 2020, at 17:04, Klein, Hans K <hans at gatech.edu> wrote:
> Again, the key questions are:
> - Is it possible to coordinate/control information dissemination? If so, how?
> - Is that actually occurring?
The major platforms are all censoring. FaceBook is probably the worst of these. It also is promoting violence via its engagement algorithms. Twitter is probably the best of them now.
There are independent media like The Intercept, Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, etc.
Podcasts offer direct info from educational institutions, political groups, musicians, etc.
Self-hosting is likely the future, but it doesn’t have much reach yet:
There are mesh networking initiatives that also want to free transmission from the Internet, etc.:
Anadiotis, G. (2018 October 25). Manyverse and Scuttlebutt: A human-centric technology stack for social applications. ZD-Net
Siri, S. (2020). Democracy in the Age of Cryptography. Unchained, Ep.159.
Staltz, A. (2017, 18 Dec.). A plan to rescue the web from the internet.
Staltz, A. (2018, 4/19). Scuttlebutt, a decentralized social platform. In the Mesh.
However, none of these alternatives have been widely enough adopted to challenge the big players. Most big players are able to provide “free” access, due to making losses at the start and then becoming monopoly players attracting advertisers. Some kind of crypto-currency financing is necessary for independent media to compete. This example does it for the transmission costs:
There are a number of crypto-payments to publisher schemes.
David Stodolsky, PhD Institute for Social Informatics
Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
dss at socialinformatics.org Tel./Signal: +45 3095 4070
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