[liberationtech] Two new tech-for-good companies

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 22:30:16 CEST 2020

That sucks. I did not read the fineprint. This is a problem, and I suspect
that part of the reason is because startups have scant legal resources and even
when they have access to these resources the industry standard is likely
non-privacy-friendly. And to take this even further, how many of us still use
Google for convenience sake despite our being philosophically against tracking?
I am ashamed to admit that I certainly do.  

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 6:28 PM, Renee Lloyd reneelloyd at mac.com  wrote:
Very cool tech ideas (especially ioby).   To my disappointment, I noticed that
the posted legal terms and policies are the same old, one-sided to favor company
‘dump all risk on user’ terms we see littering tech.  Has there been any
progress on developing contract terms and policies that actually match and
reflect the mission of the company?   Anyone know of any projects or efforts
underway on this front?
Thanks!Renée Lloyd

Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 17, 2020, at 1:10 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

ioby is a nationally recognized nonprofit mobilizes  residents with good ideas
to become powerful civic leaders who plan, fund and make positive change in
their own neighborhoods. Our platform is about much more than just crowdfunding
-- our unique coaching service, trainings, and resources transform local leaders
with support and funding from their communities to make our neighborhoods more
sustainable, more just, more livable, and more fun. We have received recognition
and awards from the Obama Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the
National Conference on Citizenship. For the latest on our work, check out our
2019 Giving Report: https://ioby.org/2019 . For our most recent updates on
ioby's ongoing commitment to racial equity and justice, please visit
https://ioby.org/about/principles and https://ioby.org/blm/statement .
At Voicehttps://voice.com/learn-more/, we are on a mission to take social media
back from big tech. Voice is the first social media platform that empowers
communities to self-govern, champions realness and respects user data.
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