[liberationtech] Need to remember.....

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Sat Jun 13 01:25:28 CEST 2020

In these tumultuous times, it is important to REMEMBER, how 'simple' and
seemingly innocuous 'public messaging' can have a highly corrupting
potential to compel 'a MASS of UNEDUCATED and HATE-FILLED people' into a
FRENZY -- to do the unthinkable.....

In the U.S., Trump, using his podia and megaphones, is BROADCASTING
daily, similar types of destructive and nationally divisive messages (as
the RTLM once did in Rwanda), to the people in the U.S.

When you have finished reading the Al-Jazeera article, you may wish to
peruse Jean Philbert's article on the genocide, and on social and
regulatory progress which were embarked on since, in Rwanda....

*"Reflections upon periclitations in privacy: perspectives from Rwanda’s
digital transformation"  [OPEN ACCESS]*

*'Music to kill to': Rwandan genocide survivors remember RTLM*

Following the arrest of genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga, survivors
reflect on the role of the radio station he funded.
Mia Swart
*Al Jazeera*
7 Jun 2020
/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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