[liberationtech] Alt-Right Trolls Are Trying to Sabotage Black Lives Matter Chatrooms
fuzzytew at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 23:40:39 CEST 2020
I believe mediation helps all situations, if only to spread the idea that
it exists. I do not understand how it increases griefing. My
understanding is that mediation is a study of _reducing_ harm between
groups, not facilitating it.
Maria, it sounds like you have seen it is very hard for young men to find
girlfriends now, and you are concerned because you need to know we are
supporting cultures that nurture people. Is that correct?
It sounds like you have reason to believe that intentional censorship is
leading to this: I didn't know that that was happening until you mentioned
it, and don't really know what you mean. Are you referring to situations
like the discouragement of mediation here on this list?
On Wed, Jun 10, 2020, 3:07 PM Maria Al-Masani <maria at ardiso.com> wrote:
> It's good to talk to de-escalate, I found that more effective than my
> vanity as a Muslim minority woman. For them it boils down to lack of sexual
> access, or difficulty of sexual access.
> When you have a sexual revolution and apps, no slut-shaming, harems start
> to form. So the athletes, well adjusted affluent men who go to the gym, men
> with options don't join the alt right. On tinder, 80% of the women were
> only interested in 20% of the men. The sexual revolution only worked in a
> pre-social media era and is not sustainable in the era of social media. So
> as a result, 20% of the young men are getting all the sex, and the other 80
> look for answers that work, that are inconvenient to feminist Karens who
> throw a tantrum that someone dares tell them they aren't the most beautiful
> and most special. Due to the soviet style censorship of non-progressive
> views in western silicon valley, social media, mainstream media...
> involuntary celibate men will look elsewhere for answers of how to get laid
> or those how to find a wife. They will look at the dark web. Now who has
> infrastructure already on the dark webs and forms? Neo Nazi and racist
> groups. Before Obama turned the West into a China style information Gulag
> with his progressivism, the only thing censored in the mainstream were drug
> dealers, child porn, crime and neo nazis/KKK. Since all the mainstream
> turned into an information gulag with no answers for the 80% of young men
> how to find a girlfriend, they go to the dark web, and in the dark web,
> they find the place they can discuss how to find a girlfriend are the neo
> nazi sites.
> The paranoia that everything not progressive or woke enough is alt right
> created the alt right in the first place. At the same time, nobody here is
> talking about black lives matter's association with ISM that supports
> Bashar Assad and hezbollah. It's not like anyone who is that organized got
> there by being an angel. With all this censorship in silicon valley, the
> sad thing I see is male youth of colour going on the racist sites to learn
> how to get a girlfriend and making racist jokes about themselves. We have
> to create healthy viable alternatives for our teenagers to be able to get
> girlfriends and we need to talk to our teenagers, rather than behave like
> the parents of boomers did to boomers... and what did boomers do? rebel.
> And the kids now? rebel. We have to break this cycle before more teens join
> the alt right.
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 1:38 PM Doug Schuler <
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org> wrote:
>> One of the limitations to mediation is that mediation is the last thing
>> that some people want. The tactics of the alt-right in the article
>> demonstrate that pretty well.
>> — Doug
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:10 AM Rob Myers <rob at robmyers.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020, at 9:40 AM, fuzzyTew wrote:
>>> There is a lot of opportunity at this time to connect these groups
>>> together with unbiased mediation.
>>> Which groups, to mediate what?
>>> - Rob.
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