[liberationtech] Hacker Contemplates Life After 10 Years in Tech Isolation

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 16:47:04 CEST 2020

The world isn’t the way I remember it, and certainly not the way I left it
back when I was arrested in 2009 for installing botnets and commercial remote
access programs on a handful of sensitive clinic systems, which included a
critical SCADA system.That was how I became the first person in recent United
States history to be convicted for corrupting industrial control systems. It was
such a long time ago, but in my mind it only feels like yesterday.You have to
understand what it means to be a prisoner in the States. There are currently
somewhere around 2.3 million people incarcerated in the Land of the Free, and
Internet access is not exactly an amenity provided by the Bureau of Prisons.In
the aftermath of serving a lengthy prison sentence, I witnessed first-hand just
how much technology has evolved, and it felt like stepping out of a
time-machine. I had been an exile in time, excommunicado from the evolution of
new technologies and how our global society has evolved with it.As a hacker, I
was the founder and leader of the hacker group known as the Electronik
Tribulation Army. I used to stay parallel to the latest gadgets, exploits, and
socio-technological trends.I used to reverse engineer malware, perform incident
responses, and hack pretty much anything left unattended. I read about these
technological advancements in newspapers and magazines while I served my
sentence, but when it comes down to it, I am now a foreigner, an outsider to the
very things I once had mastered. To say that the teacher has now become the
student is quite the understatement.
After 10 Years in Tech Isolation, I'm Now Outsider to Things I Once Had… We
asked Jesse McGraw to describe his tech gap and perception of today's world
after 10 years spent in prison for hacking activities. forklog.media
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