[liberationtech] "The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English Language", Pre-dates Reagan... (LT Digest, Vol 32, Issue 1)
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
mathews at hawaii.edu
Fri Jun 5 23:11:47 CEST 2020
On 6/5/20 6:00 AM, lt-request at lists.liberationtech.org wrote:
> Subject:
> Re: [liberationtech] "The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English
> Language", Pre-dates Reagan... (LT Digest, Vol 30, Issue 1)
> From:
> grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>
> Date:
> 6/4/20, 2:18 AM
> To:
> lt at lists.liberationtech.org
> [ .... ]
> If you want to shift to based on human and individual... natural rights,
> you must shift away from democracy to a school of something else.
I invite you to share your thoughts (even privately, if you can, and
choose to do so) on what this "something else" could/should look like,
or be.
I would prefer to learn/understand from what you have present in the way
of ideas... something that could be acted-upon...
/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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