[liberationtech] 1. New petition to support free software in education (Greg Farough)

Wendy Van Wynsberghe wendy at constantvzw.org
Wed Jul 22 12:05:30 CEST 2020


Great initiative for thinking about a petition to support free software 
in education. I was lucky to formerly work in a school where multitools 
were considered as a solution to teach and reach the students. 
(Mattermost and Jitsi on school servers)
--> However, the process for signing the petition, and having to log in, 
is cumbersome.

Greetings from Brussels,

On 7/22/20 12:00 PM, lt-request at lists.liberationtech.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>     1. New petition to support free software in education (Greg Farough)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 18:59:08 -0400
> From: Greg Farough <gregf at fsf.org>
> To: LT <lt at lists.liberationtech.org>
> Subject: [liberationtech] New petition to support free software in
> 	education
> Message-ID: <87eep4wk3n.fsf at fsf.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Hi, everyone,
> Today we launched a petition calling on school administrators to cease
> requiring students to use proprietary software to do coursework.
> Instead, we encourage them to adopt free software. As everyone on this
> list is well aware, these programs often expose students to corporate
> surveillance and other forms of abuse. They also deprive them of their
> freedom.
> One special note about this petition is that signers have the option
> of providing us with additional contact information of schools that
> they attend or that are affiliated with in some other way, and we'll
> reach out to the administration and engage them in a conversation
> about free software on their behalf.
> Please take a moment to read our blog post covering the action[1], and
> to sign yourself if you'd like[2]. And if you find yourself in any
> discussions on remote schooling, or simply know someone who you think
> would be interested, we would appreciate the share.
> Best,
> -Greg
> [1]:
> https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/sign-this-petition-for-freedom-in-the-classroom
> [2]: https://my.fsf.org/give-students-userfreedom

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                   C O N S T A N T
                        V Z W

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