[liberationtech] Call for input: ResearchersOnRead Campaign

Todd Davies davies at stanford.edu
Sat Jul 18 02:13:41 CEST 2020

Sent on behalf of a student of mine, Justin-Casimir Braun, cc'd. See below. - Todd Davies

As part of our #ResearchersOnRead campaign<https://algorithmwatch.org/en/researchers-left-on-read/>, we are inviting researchers, journalists and activists to share their stories about barriers they experience when accessing or working with platform data (be it in the form of APIs, transparency reports etc.). We would be very grateful if you could submit your story<https://algorithmwatch.org/en/researchers-left-on-read/>, or share the campaign with your network.

What is #ResearchersOnRead?

#ResearchersOnRead is a campaign by AlgorithmWatch’s Governing Platform project<https://algorithmwatch.org/en/project/governing-platforms/>. The campaign aims to collect experiences of researchers who have been ‘left on read’, i.e. ignored or snubbed by platforms as they conduct public interest research on issues like hate speech, bias, or disinformation. The stories will be compiled and published to our website as a journalistic story (or series of stories, depending on the number of submissions). These stories will help us shape a narrative about the importance of improving access to data and introducing strong platform transparency tools ahead of the discussions on EU’s proposed Digital Services Act.

How can I join #ResearchersOnRead?

We already collected some stories of researchers who have been ‘left on read’<https://algorithmwatch.org/en/story/left-on-read-facebook-data-access/>, but we are sure that there are many more stories which remain untold. Maybe you or your colleagues have a story to share?

If you want to support our #ResearchersOnRead campaign, you can:

  *   Share your story<https://algorithmwatch.org/en/researchers-left-on-read/#share-your-story> of being ‘left on read’ by platforms
  *   Tell others in your network about our campaign by sharing our call for submissions on Twitter<https://twitter.com/algorithmwatch/status/1281171650491318272> or forwarding this E-Mail to your colleagues!


Justin Braun

Krupp fellow at AlgorithmWatch

Todd Davies  (he/him or they/them)

email: davies at stanford.edu

web: web.stanford.edu/~davies<https://web.stanford.edu/~davies>

Symbolic Systems Program
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, 94305-2150 USA

phone: +1 650 723 4091

office: 460-040C
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