[liberationtech] So there is no good video-conferencing solution, but what is everyone at LT using? (LT Digest, Vol 53, Issue 1)
Yosem Companys
yosem at techlantis.com
Sun Jul 5 03:02:28 CEST 2020
Thank you. Very much appreciated.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 12:13 PM Robert Mathews (OSIA) <mathews at hawaii.edu>
> On 6/29/20 11:48 AM, Yosem Companys <yosem at techlantis.com>
> <yosem at techlantis.com> wrote:
> I do not know why it did not occur to me before, but Zak just told me, why
> don't we just ask you directly what you all use for video conferencing?
> We are all struggling here trying to find the best solution, a holy grail
> of sorts, perhaps one of you has already found it?
> Thank you,
> Yosem
> *Dear Yosem:* Since I am subscribed to the Digest Version of LT.,
> therefore, I am only now able to get to this message and the question you
> have placed forward for all to consider.
> I believe that the questions I am about to pose to you and the members of
> this list, will be beneficial to consider, as painful as such
> consideration(s) may be. After all, if the specific task before you/us is
> to simply understand who is the "winner" of the Video-Conferencing tool'
> popularity contest, a generic search might reveal such a listing, as it
> evidently does at the following two sites. They are:
> https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/video-conferencing-software/ AND
> https://sourceforge.net/software/web-conferencing/
> But, is the general desire to understand by popularity, what one's
> 'choice' tool should be, even among the list members here? I have been
> asked the very question you have posed -- so frequently in the past 2
> months that I have lost count of the number of queries in total. Yet, in
> my mind, the answer has always been the same.
> What is YOUR personal/organizational NEED (requirement(s) to be met), and
> what is the budget associated with this requirement?
> Allow me to present the following thoughts. My assessment is:
> While reviewing options, even when firmly 'intentioned' & 'motivated'
> toward making 'a' choice for personal or organizational use, the
> fulfillment requirement(s) can,
> 1) extend beyond:
> 1a) the (announced) "feature-set" (is the "feature" beneficial to me
> and my org)
> 1b) the popularity of 'a' tool
> 1c) the popularity of 'a' vendor (beyond any successful marketing on
> their sales or support prowess)
> 2) BE cost driven:
> 2a) monthly costs
> 2b) yearly costs
> 2c) # of seats
> 2d) support costs
> 3) BE driven by USER literacy & their technical competence
> 3a) ease of use
> 3b) user configurability
> 3c) ease of technical integration & interoperability
> 4) OTHER operational considerations (too long to list.... too little time)
> 4a) reliability
> 4b) security ... etc ... etc... etc...
> It is also a personal assessment, that, *the tool that I personally
> DESIRE (technically and operationally), DOES NOT exist.* In our
> organization, we utilize a variety of tools to meet a variety of
> communications needs. *One TOOL, and one CONFIGURATION, has not
> serviced all our needs.* This is true at the personal level too.
> Hopefully, this will help with careful considerations - one must allot to
> this important question.
> All the best.
> --
> *Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil. Principal Technologist & **Distinguished
> Senior Research Scholar*
> *Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)*
> *University of Hawai'i*
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