[liberationtech] So there is no good video-conferencing solution, but what is everyone at LT using?

Aymeric Vitte vitteaymeric at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 12:05:30 CEST 2020

There is also https://webrtc.sipthor.net you must subscribe first to
sip2sip.info, using WebRTC (so subject to the same security issues that
I have already posted), I am not sure but it might be the same than
Jitsi (at least the lead dev is the same)

What is the tech behind bigbluebutton concepts? I took a quick look at
your links but did not find a clear summary, or missed it, it seems to
be simply based on servers relaying the data

Le 30/06/2020 à 16:29, David Jacovkis a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I'm involved with https://meet.coop through the femProcomuns coop. We
> started it with several European cooperatives (DigidemLab /
> Collective.tools [1], femProcomuns / CommonsCloud [2] and
> Webarchitects [3]) that needed a better solution for conferences,
> workshops and other meetings with over 50 participants.
> We started discussing a shared BBB infrastructure about two months
> ago, and we've already run a few events with very good results (e.g.
> OPEN2020 [4] and some sessions on the  Virtual WSFTE [5]).
> If you're interested (as an individual or a collective), you can have
> a look at https://org.meet.coop, test the demo at
> https://demo.meet.coop/ and talk to us at contact at meet.coop or
> https://forum.meet.coop
> Salut!
> ^dj
> [1] https://digidemlab.org/en/ -- https://collective.tools/
> [2] https://femprocomuns.coop/ -- https://www.commonscloud.coop/
> [3] https://www.webarchitects.coop/
> [4]
> https://open.coop/2020/04/02/open-2020-reinvented-networked-commons-initiatives/
> [5]
> https://forum.transformadora.org/conferences/programme/f/1062/meetings/1486?locale=en
> On 6/29/20 10:56 PM, Jim Whitescarver wrote:
>> meet.coop <http://meet.coop> is running big blue button. Signup at
>> the demo demo.meet.coop <http://demo.meet.coop>
>> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 11:49 AM Yosem Companys <yosem at techlantis.com
>> <mailto:yosem at techlantis.com>> wrote:
>>     I do not know why it did not occur to me before, but Zak just told
>>     me, why don't we just ask you directly what you all use for video
>>     conferencing?
>>     We are all struggling here trying to find the best solution, a holy
>>     grail of sorts, perhaps one of you has already found it?
>>     Thank you,
>>     Yosem
>>     --     Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from
>> any major
>>     commercial search engine. Violations of list guidelines will get you
>>     moderated: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt.
>>     Unsubscribe, change to digest mode, or change password by emailing
>>     lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org
>>     <mailto:lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org>.
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