[liberationtech] Interesting things

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 06:38:43 CET 2020

Not managing to read all the posts, but some observations on interesting
trying to figure out what are we talking about also

1. democratically elected governments, and law enforcement agencies, as
legitimate entiteis, *should  *protect citizens freedoms
and should protect them from surveillance. but they dont. instead,
government and law enforcement agencies operate outside the law, and work
against legitimacy itself.
2.  cryptoanarchy is a device to fool the younger generations and enrol
them into crypto culture then manipulate them. I am afraid secret states
and deviated governments are behind, and part of, the cryptomovement, that
s another way to steer the masses. together with disinformation.
manipulation of facts and other tacticts
Now burn me :-)


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 9:56 AM grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Be Brave, your browser won't explode.
> > Am also curious as to why Cloudflare hates Tor.
> Search CF CIA op, haters need you and the masses on clearnet so
> they can surveil, predict, see, and counter your every move in realtime,
> not least of which being your political activism vote. Better to wake up,
> rise, build and route around, thus dispense with them all forevermore.
> Governments hate cryptoanarchy [tor etc], not because it's a threat
> to you, but because it's a threat to them. To them, blocking tor,
> crypto[currency], comms tech, free speech, etc is just a survival
> self-defense move against the evolution of world of now connected
> peoples waking they don't need them anymore to get good things done.
> Why beg them to pocket half of what they steal from you for roads, why
> advocate
> they digital spy store sell your gps travels odometer rfid facial
> register pay scheme...
> when you can now already today anon smash that cryptocoin donate
> crowdfund button on the QR code posted every kilometer by the local
> communities and or private maintainers. It's that simple, that freedom.
> Wake up. Build Braver. Educate not to create/follow old fake
> authority, not to "vote"
> yourselves politik whim force demand over free peoples who have done
> nothing,
> as that struct will always be abused... but on personal
> responsibility, non-agression,
> freedom respecting interactions importance coming and building together,
> charity, and more.
> Liberating beyond the limits of continually repeating the fail of
> legacy structures,
> into actual freedom, requires Bravery, indeed. You have it, find it
> within, and use it.
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from any major
> commercial search engine. Violations of list guidelines will get you
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