[liberationtech] Today's Jobs

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 18:29:49 CET 2020

If you are interested, please let me know, and I will put you in touch
with the folks below:

Vanessa Aguilar  5:53 AM
We've recently created lots of new positions at my company! If you're
interested in moving to Berlin and working at a company that uses
technology to save the environment, come work with me

Binky Lush  9:12 AM
Hi Everyone! We have an opening at the Penn State University Libraries
leading a team of talented developers working at the forefront of
Library technology! Please share this opportunity - I'll be working
closely with this person and want to find someone awesome! .... Help
us innovate and create meaningful applications to support scholarship
and research at Penn State. We are looking for a Software Development
Manager with technical skills to guide our development team,
communication skills to collaborate with stakeholders across the
university, and leadership skills to mentor an engaged groups of
developers. You’ll be leading the team in building systems that
support world-renowned researchers and faculty. You’ll be leading Open
Source projects, supporting Open Access initiatives and make Open
Education Resources more discoverable and accessible. You’ll play a
key role in creating the most technically interesting, intellectually
challenging, and deeply meaningful software projects as part of the
Libraries. Come join us! https://psu.jobs/job/92492

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