[liberationtech] Sixth Workshop on Computing within Limits
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat Jan 25 02:24:49 CET 2020
Call for Papers
Sixth Workshop on Computing within Limits
June 21-22, 2020 <http://airmail.calendar/2020-06-21%2012:00:00%20BST>
Bristol, UK and Los Angeles, USA
The LIMITS workshop concerns the role of computing in a human society
affected by real-world limits (ecological or otherwise). We seek to reshape
the computing research agenda as these topics are seldom discussed in
contemporary computing research. LIMITS 2020 solicits papers looking ahead
to 2030, as described below.
This year, LIMITS will be a distributed workshop between USC (Los Angeles,
California, USA) and University of Bristol (UK). All main sessions will be
held in parallel (morning in Los Angeles, evening in Bristol), with local
events in addition to these main sessions. LIMITS in the UK will be
co-located with ICT4S.
LIMITS 2020 aims to reach computing researchers outside of the LIMITS
community who might ask: "what does research in a LIMITS future look like?"
Suppose the ideas of LIMITS have diffused throughout both computing
research and broader society, such that LIMITS 2030, ten years from now,
need not exist as a separate venue. What would researchers and engineers be
building in that future world?
To reach this audience, we solicit papers on "future systems". Such systems
are socio-technical systems that are responsive to the LIMITS 2030 world
that might exist. This year we specifically discourage "critical",
"analysis", and similar types of papers.
A future systems paper concerns the design, implementation, and/or
evaluation of a real tool, system, app, or any other artifact situated in a
future (year 2030) world. Such contributions would be of a flavor that
could be imagined to be published in a more applied venue of computing
(e.g., UIST for HCI researchers, NSDI for networked systems researchers,
etc.). That is, if the researchers from more-applied, less-critical areas
of computing were to shift their topics of interest to align with this
envisioned world of 2030, what would they build? Empirical evaluation is
strongly encouraged; papers without an empirical evaluation are acceptable
if they provide substantial evidence regarding the practical usefulness of
the future system(s) described.
We look to a classic vision outlined by Donella Meadows (see LIMITS website
for details) for the future world of 2030 papers should be placed within.
That is, authors should imagine that one or more of the economic, societal,
business, energy, and other changes that Meadows describes here are already
coming into being, but require computing to help them take shape.
Abstract registration deadline: March 6, 2020, 11:59pm Pacific Time
Paper submission deadline: March 20, 2020, 11:59pm Pacific Time
Paper reviews available: April 10, 2020
Camera ready deadline: May 15, 2020
Program Co-Chairs:
Oliver Bates, Lancaster University, o.bates at lancaster.ac.uk
Barath Raghavan, USC, barath.raghavan at usc.edu
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
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