[liberationtech] Internet blocking tools

Sabiha Ahmad sabiha.ahmad.23 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 00:50:08 CET 2020

Hah Greg I'm definitely a sister, but fair guess!

Thanks everyone who made recommendations. I've gone ahead w/ the route
suggested by Greg (albeit for PC), but my cursory research has led me to
believe that there's no free service for easily "whitelisting" websites. If
I understand correctly, whitelisting will block all websites other than
those few I select to allow? As opposed to "blacklisting" which entails a
longer process of having to individually list all the websites I want to
block out?

So far I've only found easy blacklisting methods--including yours Greg. I
wish there were a way for a basic unsophisticated internet user like myself
to easily whitelist. I think it'd be an effective way of drastically
"quieting down" and simplifying my internet use. If anyone knows of any
such service please let me know.

Thank you,


On Mon, Jan 20, 2020, 12:48 PM Greg <greg at kinostudios.com> wrote:

> I’m gonna help you out brother (or sister, can’t tell what gender your
> name is).
> If you’re on a mac or linux, whip out that terminal and type:
> $ sudo nano /etc/hosts
> Then add an entry like:
>   twitter.com
> Save the file, and bam, twitter is blocked in all browsers.
> Cheers!
> Greg
> On Jan 20, 2020, at 10:28 AM, Sabiha Ahmad <sabiha.ahmad.23 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> Forgive me for not posing a high-stakes query typical of this excellent
> thread, but I was wondering if you fine folks had any recommendations for
> free and comprehensive internet blocking tools for Firefox, Chrome, and
> Microsoft Edge. I'm trying to study for the bar exam and only need access
> to two or three websites most days. Embarrassingly incapable of avoiding
> the internet rabbit holes on my own. Would appreciate any advice.
> Thank you and happy MLK day,
> Sabiha
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