[liberationtech] Podverse - new open source podcast app for iOS, Android, and web

Mitch Downey mitchldowney at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 21:22:07 CET 2020

Hello LibTech community,

I'd like to share with you an open source project I have been working on
for ~6 years, since I first began to learn programming.

The all-new Podverse podcast app is now live on iOS, Android, and web! 🥳
Podverse is the easiest way to create and share podcast clips of any length
online. Other features include:

- Subscribe to podcasts
- Sync your subscriptions across all devices
- Sync your queue across all devices
- Create and share playlists
- Share your user profile
- Subscribe to user profiles
- Auto-download new episodes
- Light / Dark mode
- and more!

Our mission is to help keep the independent spirit of podcasting alive, by
creating podcast technology that can be 100% owned by the artists
themselves, and cannot be monopolized by corporate interests. That's why
all Podverse software is provided under an open source, copyleft license
(AGPLv3), so anyone can freely download, modify, and use the software for
any purpose, as long as they also share their changes to the code.


Sample Clip 1

Sample Clip 2

App Store

Play Store

You might ask...what purpose would there be for an *open source* podcast
app? Here are some hypothetical use cases:

- A podcast network wants to have their own podcast app, where they own
100% of the software and content, featuring exclusive content for paid
premium members, and sharable highlights crowdsourced by their fans.

- A large private company with its own podcast wants a platform for sharing
it internally.

- A university that wants to make all of its lectures easily available and
annotatable by its students online, on iOS, Android, and web. Students
could log in, subscribe to their courses, create sharable clips/annotations
from lectures, and save them in playlists. This would be very easy to setup
if each course is shared in an RSS feed.

Podverse is written almost exclusively with JavaScript, using React and
React Native. You can find all Podverse software by visiting

This is our grand opening, and any questions or feedback would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks for checking out the app!


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