[liberationtech] Reminder: Please let me know if you need to switch your Liberationtech settings to digest mode

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 03:56:13 CET 2020

Who be he that certainly does not teach them to run to the wolfpack,
nor use crook but against wolf and to/in attention, nor can he save
them all from carnivore and #fail, this truth he must surely admit.
Aye who is he but shepard that calls them his sheep,
and nay but none of them ask after his efforts.

> Hey kids
> Knowing undergraduate students' propensities for sleep, cheating,
> and beer money...
> the poor kids

Where were the warriors, but mired in their own #fail, to pick and try
slapping such posters for heinous crime of labelling and stereotyping
these amazing students as lazy cheating drunks, poor kids, and their
post readers as children.

And what #fail it will be to loose their Great YouTube Filter Algo
Force upon all comms so that may reap, through restored
gatekeepers, ...

> the greatest damages [that] revolve around the normalization ...

... of speech.

> and training students to get used to supervision

Teaching people into sheep. In public schools the most.

And woes the endless scourge of posted examples, from the
swamp of #fail, known as top-posting and bulk-quoting and HTML
and embedded 0px img bugs and...
Will they bother learning those comms basics after being given
the search terms and hint of staff to hindquarter to wake up
and do so. Hopeful yes. Check them in six months to see.

And were all labels for all truths made comfortable, where would
be any passion to change anything for better, or to even live,
when all is made dull lifeless boring homogenized.

Better to try to save a few sheep from truth if able, to wake more
by making libtech and variety speech in hope of finding own way,
to liberate and create non-forceful pastures for the rest.

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