[liberationtech] YouTube doesn't lead to radicalization, study finds

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Sun Jan 5 16:09:48 CET 2020

For what it is worth, that 2,000 channels doesn't yet include many US local
channels, but does have many government funded "world services" which all
have slants.

I see value in surfacing diverse "news people know" from the perspective of
transparency. Do most people know the background or potential bias of a
source, no ... but I see value in multiple sources on the same story being
presented together. This is why I tolerate all the British tabloid crap
headlines rising up on Google News as those papers make a play for US

In that last few days, I could imagine YouTube internally testing their
recommendation engine by how many FOX story watchers were recommended a
story from Al Jazeera and vice versa.

Anyone here have a contact in YouTube's news area? Let's chat with them
directly or forward our convo.


On Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 7:20 AM grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> > http://tvnewsapp.com
> > I'd be curious what kind of recommendation engine one could build with
> > different philosophy sets on top of the YouTube API?
> With distributed tech some YT alternatives are both
> possible and now emerging.
> YouTube certainly won't do it, not least since pressure from govcorp
> and activist anti free speech types won't allow it, nor will YT's
> aka Evil Alphabet's own motivations, nor all the money and
> programming plainly evident filling the YT frontpage with stupid.
> > content from ... 2,000 ... "trusted" brands
> Brands like these filling the 2000 mainstream channels...
> https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sinclair+news+script
> >> accounts
> > I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, or how it is relevant
> Yes wisdom is needed when studying what rises from the earth,
> those who have understanding can calculate their numbers.
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