[liberationtech] Wishes + Update of deadline

President, COMinG mke at coming.gr
Wed Jan 1 09:53:12 CET 2020

Hello and Happy New Year to all of the liberationtech team!


An update about the events organised by the Communication Institute of Greece


The last submission deadline will be for Tuesday 18 February 2020!  <https://coming.gr/conferences-2020/> https://coming.gr/conferences-2020/

Thank you for sharing this information with colleagues and friends that would be interested to participate.


Health, Happiness and Positivity for us all this new year!









Margarita Kefalaki (PhD, MSc)
President, COMinG –  <https://coming.gr/> Communication Institute of Greece


Adjunct Professor,  <https://www.eap.gr/en/> Hellenic Open University 

Address: Artemidos 12, Moschato, 18345
E-mail:  <mailto:mke at coming.gr> mke at coming.gr , Tel.: +30 6989478611






From: LT [mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org] On Behalf Of Rahul Gupta-Iwasaki
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 2:48 AM
To: Yosem Companys
Cc: LT
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] YouTube doesn't lead to radicalization, study finds


I would not be surprised if YouTube had modified its algorithm to favor MSM over fringe channels after the blowback from the NYT article. This analysis is an interesting follow-up and would have been especially cool if they could compare the results with the same analysis done back in 2018. However, I'm not a fan of how this post tries to conflate the two algorithms as the same and use the results of a study done on the algorithm a year later to bash the original piece.


On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 6:17 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

>From the post:


"We show how YouTube’s late 2019 algorithm is not a radicalization pipeline, but in fact... 

*	Removes almost all recommendations for conspiracy theorists, provocateurs and white Identitarians
*	Benefits mainstream partisan channels such as Fox News and Last Week Tonight 
*	Disadvantages almost everyone else

"It also shows how the algorithm encourages filter bubbles, especially for partisans.


"Contrary to the narrative promoted by the New York Times, the data suggests that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm actively discourages viewers from visiting content that one could categorize as radicalizing or otherwise questionable."



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