[liberationtech] What are the best-in-class video conferencing options for low-bandwidth situations?

Alex Comninos alex.comninos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 10:11:44 CET 2020


In South Africa, WhatsApp degrades the best. There is group video chat but I think capped at three users.


Maybe also mention the countries. Africa is not monolithic, the Middle East neither and has a lot of variation in broadband speeds and QoS.


> On 20 Feb 2020, at 07:03, Nick Hurlburt <nickhurlburt at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to help some people across parts of Africa and the Middle East with communication options, many of whom are in areas with poor internet infrastructure.  Video conferencing is rather painful using the standards (Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts).  I'm wondering if those are the best available, or if there is anything that is more specifically designed for those kinds of situations that might work better, or even just degrade more gracefully?
> Thanks,
> Nick
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