[liberationtech] Call for Papers: Special Issue: Cashlessness in India - Telecommunications Policy

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 21:30:42 CET 2020

> https://www.journals.elsevier.com/telecommunications-policy/call-for-papers/special-issue-cashlessness-in-india

A free peoples should reject and puke all over this.

> Cashlessness in India: Vision, policy, and practices

Disgusting twist... using word lessnessness implying some lack
some illness, thus need to further enable cash... when actual intent
is to destroy peoples freedom to use cash, gold, crypto, chickens,
or whatever else they freely and rightfully wish to use.

> Elsevier Journal

Centralized controlled garbage, needs Swartzed.

> Telecommunications Policy.

Is never to give peoples actual freedom of distributed
encrypted communications free from central control.

> Please consider contributing papers.

No. Take your (those doing) statist war on cash, your power and
censorship and control and surveillance and spying and enslavement
and bank bail ins and profiteering keep-down leeching usury and theft
from and anti-freedom of peoples, your aadhaar your dna your
central control your stakeholders your fakeass twisted tricky dick
inclusion democracy policy thought language and ultimately physical
thuggery over free voluntary peoples memes and much more in your
evil minds, and shove it, globally, back down the toilet it came from.
Peoples can enable themselves without your artificial interventions
and schemes over top of them trapping them into nonfree boxes.
India, a country filled with distributed Au-79 Gold, and few sheep
among billion hardly bright and brave enough to stand up for and
actually using it, or cash, or cryptocurrency, or actual freedom.
No wonder they're among first falling prey to global enslavement
war on cash, biometrical control, arbitrary lightswitch existance.
Wake them peoples up to what is being done to them.
Free them, don't lock them further.

> Anthropology Studies

Anthropology is the scientific study of humans, human
behavior and societies in the past and present.

Curious that globalist homegenization to slave everyone
is deleting anything and difference worth anthropology.
Not surprising anthropologists now becoming globalist
States apologists seeking and pushing its papers...
job security, while it lasts.

Maybe the few honest ones left will at least document
humanities final global descent into lockstep hierarchical
unescapable control over each lower caste.
Until "democracy" "votes" to censor and erase those documents too.

> Social Media

Centralized censored propaganda scam.
Keep them entertained and drunk and busy working
for elites... so they not think freely.

Not much actual free liberation think happening on liberationtech these years.
It too now officially censored.

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