[liberationtech] Cryptocurrency: War On Cash - Moving Fast Against You

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 13:52:21 CEST 2020

On 8/26/20, Rand Strauss <Rand at peoplecount.org> wrote:
> ...
> There seems to be no threat of a cashless society.
> ...
> there was no true evidence in the article that
> it’s happening.

The global trends, work, quotes by powers, and changes pushing
toward and in fact growing the implementations of cashless systems
and supporting structures toward implementing the same...
are very well documented, numerous, and broad... for those
who mind are liberated enough to actually search and confirm
or not the actual facts from the noise.

Here's a bunch more authors and quote filled links,
many ultimately resolving back to GovCorpEdu sources
and actions, that one could actually bother to research
and study well, among many more one can search and
find elsewhere...


... whereby after such study it would be utterly ridiculous
for anyone to attempt to claim such a "NOT".

> That first HumanEvents.com article was horrible, mostly just highly
> exaggerated opinions. It was often contradicted by it’s own links

The article and its links were well quoted and referenced
and on point to some of the issues and happenings, that
the entire thing is now included below. That way when people
wonder where their cash went in time of need that no one
can say they were not warned to wake up and act to prevent it.
Or better yet, allocate to more freedom oriented forms.

> It started with the "don’t let the media shame you" crap was just
> that- crap trying to create fear.

Perhaps better than claiming that "crap" to spend time first understanding
how media propaganda from GovCorpEdu works starting with the
surface level...


Of course you already know Google and YouTube are engaged in
massive censorship and message steering as well...


Or did liberation tech forget those things already.

> Whether it’s because the author really
> fears a cashless society or just wants to monetize eyeballs, I don’t know.

History has a way of ascribing all manner of slight,
censor, and death upon its various Galileo's of the moment.
Consider that the authors might just be right.
Or provide disproving evidence,
or even actual argument... both much harder tasks for most
who probably don't know, much, for lack of counter search perhaps.

> FinTech businesses would like a cashless society.

True, since all monetized fintech is interested in is being over you,
"businesses" by definition being Gov, Bank, Corp... there are
much profits and freedom to take from you there... that is where and
how the fintech biz ultimately mentions "you" in their business plans.
Witness the endless proliferation of centrally controlled shitcoins
vs the few distributed P2P and privacy coins. There is no business
or control profits to be had with the latter coins... no business
to be had from such freedom... no first sale profit to the volunteer
opensource product given freely of copyright and license to the world.

> And there seems to be a bit of a coin shortage, but
> the stores that the article says are refusing cash are not.

Various stores have refused to handle cash or give coin change,
frequent users of cash have documented that around the world
around corona shutdowns, even when there were sufficient coins
intake sitting in the store users watched stores brains explode
on such simple non-problems as giving that change out.
"We can take exact and over change, but we can't give change out".

> Plus, a dime is worth a bit less
> than a penny was when I was growing up 50 years ago.

90% drop in your purchase power, that's real nice, and people clamor and
"vote" for that shit in their praised democracies, because "peoplecount", lol.
Governments printing press, Banks loan machine, and Politicos did that scam.
Anyone having cash is devalued (effectively stolen from) by them all.
Cashless "cash" will of course only increase those and other more
direct takings and worse abuses.


> (could even make a quarter worth $0.30).

Such upward valuation is not in Government's interest.
Nor is any larger sum such as $1.00 readily divisible by it.
Nor is the world prepared to reprogram all its systems like that.
And by the time any of it is implemented, that $0.30 will
have been printed and debted downward to about $0.20.
Good luck.

> It’s
> weird that stores can give large discounts (sales) but not round the total
> down so pennies and nickels aren’t needed…

That's because they're stuffing you with *propaganda* that
$0.99 is meaningfully less than $1.00, and it worked,
you all bought that lie, so they have no reason to change
and will keep scamming those 9's from you. Add all those up.

> And no, cash is not worthless. ... Yes, gold and silver have a
> different kind of value,

That value being the capital and work that went into producing them
which no sane producer will supply for free into market demand,
plus their secondary uses... industry, jewelery, etc.
Cash is utterly worthless in comparison... having no more value than the
cost of printing paper per nominal, the stamping base metals, and these days
via War On Cash, that being further reduced to merely hitting
the enter key over some digital nominals and extra digital zeros.


Did anyone even bother to research that either.
Or consider any of these...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kt2De98Bck  Creature from Jekyll
Island by G Edward Griffin
The American Dream - Trailer
The American Dream - Parts 1 & 2 of 2
Money Masters - Bill Still
Secret of Oz - Bill Still
Bill Still Talks Bitcoin
Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve - Money Inc
Creature From Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin
Century of Enslavement: History of the Federal Reserve - CorbettReport
Stack Overflow

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4Fe2RvmxII  Fed Chair Bernanke Admits Truth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCWw8tQW15g  Fed Chair Greenspan Admits Truth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5RXQLAgdDk  Fed Chair Powell Lies re
2020's Real Breakevens
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg7tqUrPvYM  Fed Chair Bernanke Trapped Again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrjoElG8KGI  Powell Prints
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=milb-uLbngE  Soros Claims Magic Way
Around Hard Money

> but they’re not liquid…

They are as liquid as what people choose to hold and transact,
same as cash, rocks, chickens, dollars, digits.
That is different from studying any inherent limitations or benefits
to liquidity that any particular forms may have.

> All money, including gold and silver, only
> has value because people agree it does.

True, however only a fool would accept sand
for sweat regardless who elsewhere agree on it.

> And no, the government
> doesn’t control its value.  They wish they could.  Yes, government bail-outs
> and borrowing make the chance of inflation much larger and the value of a
> currency can plummet, but that’ll effect digital currency as well.

Did anyone ever research bails and printing in Greece, Cyprus,
Venezuela, Russia, Rome, Germany, USA...
Central Bank Gov structures can and do literally burn, print, and
steal at will, they have total control of what passes through their fingers.
Your Government / Central Bank / Corporate Digital Currency
will have all such problems and more, and with them
you will also lose all means of rightly refusing their reach.

Gold and distributed private p2p cryptocurrencies
(Bitcoin-alikes as early prototypes) are not thought
to be run by GovCorp (it's candy bait to give them diabetes death)
and could remain more immune over most parameters and times
to their silly interference, with all benefits in the documentaries on
same accruing to their users that want liberation freedom
around world.

> please don’t share such low-quality articles here.

Nice try at twistedly passive censorship,
people are free to post what they want to post,
for benefit of those who want to read what they want to read.
You're equally free to censor your own inbox to your hearts desire,
try looking at "maildrop" filter, it may suit needs.

Distributed Uncensorable Private Cryptocurrency
re War on Cash is also clearly within realm of a
technology that liberators might consider applying
toward achieving a more liberated world.
But only If, as before, the mind was liberated towards
actual liberation, first, before considering any
application of such tech tools.

PeopleCount-ing votes and representing yourselves
to power forcefully over other harmless peoples
has long since been shown not to be
about a state of liberation at all.

> Or maybe just avoid ambitious politicos (author is: ...

Let us indeed also avoid discussing some ambitious
Lefty politic[o]s orgs proffering things that don't really "count"
as they are claimed to... all such things well tried and failed before.

Enjoy the links.

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