[liberationtech] Liberation Podcasts [re: State Podcasts on cyber policy]

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 22:52:18 CEST 2020

> From: Jeff Johnson via cpsr-activists list
> Forthcoming podcast on cyber policy:
> https://cafe.com/stay-tuned/cyber-space-with-john-carlin-ft-john-demers/
>      http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/info/cpsr-activists

Consider the possible unliklihood these two employees of the
State care about your freedom at all, possibly existing instead to
ensure that the "cyber 'policy'" tech of the world's States and Corps
never allows you to reach a higher state of liberation,
peace, freedom, love, charity, mutual cooperation and sharing
among each other. Hardly possible with such States and Corps
censoring, skimming, authoritarianing in the middle over you.

"“Cyber Space” is a new forthcoming podcast for members of CAFE
Insider, where host John Carlin, former head of the Justice
Department’s National Security Division, will engage leaders from the
government and the private sector to explore and make sense of issues
at the intersection of cyber, law, and policy."

Do you think they will talk about any liberation (tech) ideas?
Any alternatives, any libertarian / liberation philosophies,
any freedom from them, anywhere around the world?

Why are "liberators" on a "liberation" tech list listening to / promoting them?

Is it not yet another a TV show to busy and waste your mind / time,
tricked and trapped away from exploring what actual liberation could be.

Create and promote your own TV show on that, the actual liberation.
People will listen.

Liberation can be in your lifetime, only if you make it.

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