[liberationtech] [NDIA Listserv] Uplifting article - Road to Hire -- Charlotte, NC, tech training job initiative

Sky sky at red7.com
Sun Aug 16 23:50:31 CEST 2020

I just can't resist. Have thought often about how lucky we in
information technologies have had it easy that our field was more a
meritocracy than many other fields. It's not universal, but it's
nevertheless remarkable.

I started software companies in the 1970s and 1980s and the distribution
of gender and other attributes in our organizations was significantly
different from other industries. In my specific part of the software
spectrum (consumer and "home" software, and in software publishing) the
number of powerful, influential women was particularly noticeable. It
was less equitable in the "programmer" ranks, nevertheless we still had
an unusually broad distribution in our orgs. Did we have to "push" to
achieve that? Yes, we did. But we made conscious choices along the way
that allowed us to make progress. (Much of which has faded away.)

The article in Charlotte Agenda was welcome!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Sky" (Jim Schuyler)
On the web at https://red7.com
PGP Keys: https://red7.com/pgp
—The space between the past and the future
       is where the possibilities arise.

On 8/16/20 12:10 PM, Pat Millen wrote:
> E2D has been very proud to have a few of our kids go right from our
> Re-Image CLT labs to Road2Hire and then on to great IT jobs.
> As a matter of fact, one of our Lab Techs is going to be going to UNC
> Charlotte this coming week as a first-year, courtesy of a full
> scholarship provided by the incredibly generous, Ric Elias of Red
> Ventures.
> I.T. is one of the few pure meritocracies.  Nobody cares who your
> Momma is or where your Daddy went to church.  All they are looking for
> are smart, ambitious and hardworking prospects.  The rest works out
> brilliantly.
> This sort of workforce development is intense and quite expensive, but
> the lives that are altered are changed forever for the positive.
> Proud to be a partner with these good folks.
> Pat
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 10:20 AM Phil Shapiro <pshapiro at his.com
> <mailto:pshapiro at his.com>> wrote:
>     https://www.charlotteagenda.com/228149/a-hand-up-58-people-just-became-charlottes-newest-software-engineers-and-developers-in-six-months/
>     https://twitter.com/RicElias/status/1294304654659026946
>     https://twitter.com/RoadtoHire
>     https://roadtohire.org/
>     and
>     https://twitter.com/TechTalentSouth
>                   phil
>     -- 
>     --
>     Phil Shapiro, pshapiro at his.com <mailto:pshapiro at his.com>
>     http://www.his.com/~pshapiro/briefbio.html
>     http://www.twitter.com/philshapiro
>     http://www.his.com/~pshapiro/stories.menu.html
>     He/Him/His
>     "Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
>     "Learning happens thru gentleness."
>     "We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose
>     from real options."  David Suzuki
>     -- 
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> -- 
> S.G. Pat Millen
> E2D - Eliminate the Digital Divide, Founder/President
> PO Box 1299
> Davidson, NC 28036
> 704-904-4098
> /*Cambiando Vidas, Una Laptop a la Vez */
> /*Changing Lives, One Laptop at a Time*/
> *Talent is Universal, Opportunity is Not...*
> *
> *
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