[liberationtech] [NDIA Listserv] Intrusions on privacy - computer refurbishing thank-you video

Closing The Digital Gap ctdginbox at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 15:56:20 CEST 2020

Greetings Mr. Phil Shapiro,

We as non-profits find that to be the case, that so many who receive goods
or services from non-profits are reluctant to be identified due to the
stigma sometimes attributed of being labeled low-income.  They are
tremendously happy and express gratitude/appreciation, they even will
volunteer to show this, but do not wish to be named, let alone photographed
or videoed.  We usually ask to use first name or first name and initial in
any testimonials, in which there is a comfort in that once we explain that
our ability to help them or others comes from funding sources, grantors, or
sponsors knowing that there is an impact and services are needed and

However, we as non-profits are always eager and excited to share the
feelings of accomplishment or joy we see happening after a training
completion or equipment recipient receives technology, it is only natural
when you see the mission being fulfilled one person at a time or one family
at a time.

Take care!


Angela Pruitt, Board Chair
Closing The Digital Gap (CTDG)
(517) 485-7581 Ext. 701

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 2:42 PM Phil Shapiro <pshapiro at his.com> wrote:

>   A kind and wise soul in our community pointed out to me that people who
> are recipients of donated computers might not feel free
> to decline a request to make a thank you video to the donor.  A thank you
> photo, email, or no communication at all might be the right choice
> for that person.
>       Instrusions on privacy need to be very carefully avoided -- to honor
> the dignity of all community members.
>         My earlier email was insensitive to this.
>                  phil
> --
> --
> Phil Shapiro, pshapiro at his.com
> http://www.his.com/~pshapiro/briefbio.html
> http://www.twitter.com/philshapiro
> http://www.his.com/~pshapiro/stories.menu.html
> He/Him/His
> "Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
> "Learning happens thru gentleness."
> "We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from
> real options."  David Suzuki
> --
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> .


*Closing The Digital Gap (CTDG) **Headquarters*:
809 Center St., Suite 7B / 8B, Lansing, Michigan  48906
*Lansing Office *Phone/Fax Line: (517) 485-7581
*Detroit Office *Phone & SMS: (313) 367-1850
Email:  CTDGinbox at gmail.com  -or-  info at closingthedigitalgap.org
<info at closingthedigitalgap.org>

*Website*:   www.closingthedigitalgap.org

*Closing The Digital Gap (*CTDG) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization
dedicated, since year 2002 to present providing computer training, computer
ownership & access to the internet for ALL.* CTDG *will be* celebrating 20
years *as a* Training *Provider *& 18 years as a Nonprofit *in the Fall

*Online:  www.my2020census.gov <http://www.my2020census.gov/>*
*By Phone:  (844) 330-2020*
[image: Spread the Word About the 2020 Census]

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