[liberationtech] ACM FAT* 2020 Doctoral Consortium

Veale, Michael m.veale at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 25 17:47:40 CEST 2019

The third annual ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (ACM FAT*) 2020, in Barcelona 27-29 January, invites PhD students in all disciplines including computer science, statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and education, to apply for the FAT* Doctoral Consortium (DC). The FAT* DC offers PhD students doing research on fairness, accountability and transparency in relation to socio-technical systems with a unique opportunity to engage in substantive interaction with experienced researchers regarding their proposed dissertation research and career objectives. It aims

                - to provide a setting for feedback on the research of participating PhD students;

                - to provide PhD students with an opportunity to establish a supportive community, including other PhD students working in related areas or at a similar stage of their dissertation research;

                - to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration on shared research interests; and

                - to support a new generation of researchers by offering advice about publishing and career paths.

The Doctoral Consortium will be held on Monday 27 January 2020, 9am-12 noon. The DC will include presentations by all participating PhD students, with plenary discussions, individual meetings with experienced researchers, discussions over breaks, peer-feedback, and panel discussions. We will also arrange lunch meetings for the participants on the other conference days.

PhD students will be selected who have already settled on their thesis direction and who have made some progress in this direction, but still have significant research to complete. Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria: clarity and completeness of application package, stage of research, evidence of research progress (please give references or links to published papers and/or technical reports) and assessment of contribution to and likely benefit from participating in the DC. Applications require a one-page thesis summary, a two-page CV, a one-page personal statement, and a statement from your PhD supervisor, all in a single PDF.

Scholarships for travel funding will also be available through a separate application process, designed to ensure the barriers to attendance are the lowest possible for all those who could not otherwise afford to travel or attend (https://fatconference.org/2020/scholarships.html).

More details on the doctoral consortium https://fatconference.org/2020/callfordc.html

Enquiries to dc-chairs at fatconference.org<mailto:dc-chairs at fatconference.org>

Dr Michael Veale
Lecturer in Digital Rights & Regulation
Faculty of Laws, University College London

m.veale at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:m.veale at ucl.ac.uk> | @mikarv | https://michae.lv

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