[liberationtech] Internet transition to private industry
Niels ten Oever
lists at digitaldissidents.org
Wed Sep 25 12:04:00 CEST 2019
I think these publications approach the topic really well:
This is one _the_ standard works about the history of the Internet:
Abbate, Janet. 1999. Inventing the Internet. Inside Technology. Cambridge, MA etc: The MIT Press.
This is a paper from Abbate specifically on privatization:
———. 2010. “Privatizing the Internet: Competing Visions and Chaotic Events, 1987–1995.” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 32 (1).
This paper also has a real matter of fact description, that is very well informed:
Frischmann, Brett. 2001. “Privatization and Commercialization of the Internet Infrastructure.” Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 2: 1–25.
This book is a page turner that demystifies the relation between business, civil society and the military, and their interrelation, in the invention of the Internet:
Turner, Fred. 2006. From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
And there is even an RFC on the topic:
Hope this helps.
PS Am currently writing my PhD on this topic, so feel free to hit me up if you would like me to proof-read or anything!
On 9/25/19 10:30 AM, Christian Payne wrote:
> And this.. https://a16z.com/2019/08/29/internet-past-crypto-future-crypto-regulatory-summit/
> _______________________
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> *Christian Payne*
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> On 25 Sep 2019, at 00:46, Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org <mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org>> wrote:
>> For an article I'm writing I'd like to know what are the best references to the decision-making that took place in transitioning the internet to private industry in the early 1990's (or point me in the right direction). You can share this with me personally or with the list. I'll be happy to share what I find with this list. Thanks!!
>> — Doug
>> --
>> Douglas Schuler
>> douglas at publicsphereproject.org <mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
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Niels ten Oever
Researcher and PhD Candidate
Datactive Research Group
University of Amsterdam
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