[liberationtech] Troll Factory game teaches you how fake news is spread & why

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 05:17:15 CEST 2019

From: Jarno Mikael Koponen <jarno.koponen at gmail.com>

We have here at Yle developed an online game Troll Factory that turns
people into professional online trolls in order to help them learn about
information wars. You can play the game here: https://trollfactory.yle.fi/

TechCrunch just wrote about the game: This game uses troll tactics to teach
critical thinking

And: https://twitter.com/ilparone/status/1172491208821788673?s=20

Feel free to share! And would love to hear your thoughts! -Jarno M.

Jarno M. Koponen
Head of AI & Personalization, Yle News Lab

E: jarno.koponen at yle.fi
W: +358401290074
L: https://fi.linkedin.com/in/jarnokoponen
T: https://twitter.com/ilparone

Yle News and Current Affairs
Yle, The Finnish Broadcasting Company
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