[liberationtech] JOB: Specialized Program Manager Position at AidData (Williamsburg, VA)

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 08:53:21 CEST 2019

From: *Siddhartha Ghose* <sghose at aiddata.wm.edu>

Reaching out to you all to spread the word about a Specialized Program
Manager/Program Manager position on my team at AidData. I am looking for
candidates with intl dev, pol sci, econ masters or similar and 2-5 years of
experience (China, Russia, intl development, foreign policy, security
issues). The position will be based in Williamsburg, VA. Would be great if
you could spread the word in your networks - *applications are open through
end September 2019*.

A brief description of the job is below and the link to the position
description and application portal is here -

*"The position will leverage advanced program management skills to lead a
wide variety of projects, and collaborate on innovative policy research at
the intersection of international development, foreign policy and global
security issues, with a focus on the soft power toolkits of non-Western
players like China and Russia. Day-to-day, the position will manage large
research grants with a multitude of high-level stakeholders and partners,
and supervise internal team members to implement projects on the ground.
Additionally, the position will prepare research proposals, facilitate
policy outreach and data management. Frequent domestic and international
travel to communicate high-impact policy findings with policymakers,
academics, and international media will be involved."*

Please feel free to forward this email directly. Thanks in advance!



*Siddhartha Ghose *

*Associate Director Transparent Development Footprints Program*

Phone: +1 757 945 6116
Skype: siddhartha.ghose2

LinkedIn: sidghose
Twitter: ghosesiddhartha

[image: http://docs.aiddata.org/ad4/images/AidData_Logo.png]
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