[liberationtech] Stop the sale of the Public Interest Registry, says EFF

Ma'ayan Alexander maayanale at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 10:00:23 CET 2019

Besides joining the protest by sending an email to ISOC, you can add your
organization, share a tweet and sign for updates about the campaign here:
The site is run by NTEN, the nonprofit technology network.

Best regards,
Ma'ayan Alexander

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 5:32 AM Eric Tykwinski <eric-list at truenet.com>

> I’ve not heard any response from ICANN.  I also wonder if it was ever
> brought up in a DNS-OARC meeting.
> ICANN imho is way too political internally, but I thought DNS-OARC was
> much more operational and more like NANOG, though not perfect at least
> tries to stay on track.
> I’m sure there’s probably links to meetings on the web, if anyone has
> them, I would be interested.
> Sincerely,
> Eric Tykwinski
> TrueNet, Inc.
> P: 610-429-8300
> On Nov 24, 2019, at 5:24 PM, Brian Behlendorf <brian at behlendorf.com>
> wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Nov 2019, David Ulevitch wrote:
> It’s gross. I’m hoping for, and waiting for, hackers to leak emails (etc)
> from Fadi and the entire ISOC and PIR staff, along with all affiliates. I’m
> sure the paper trail will be incredible and illuminating. This appears to
> be so dirty and corrupt. And the CEO of ISOC, Andrew Sullivan, has refused
> to say anything.
> Stopping this feels like a very worthwhile use of my time and money.
> David, you in particular would have a lot of sway on this as a founder of
> a DNS company, so I hope you do.
> The weak-sauce counter-messaging has begun:
> https://www.keypointsabout.org/
> The clearest failure seems to be on ICANN here for delegating .ORG
> registration services without a termination date, only triggers for exit
> based on non-performance. Thus, there's no way for ICANN to regularly put
> the registry contract out for re-bid (to get some price competition going,
> if nothing else) without PIR completely falling over on some specific
> technical issues (like uptime, etc). Who signs a contract to lend someone
> an asset without a termination date of any sort?
> So I'm more persuaded by ICA's letter to ICANN than the letter/approach to
> https://domainnamewire.com/wp-content/ICA-Letter-to-ICANN-Board-of-Directors-November-15-2019.pdf
> We kind of tolerate ICANN's model of being independent from government and
> public pressure because we're happy that they can mostly (sadly not
> entirely) say no to government censors. They run a seemingly-mostly-fair
> trademark dispute process called the UDRP. There is a ton to criticize them
> on, but the DNS has held together. But the more they make mistakes like
> this, the more that top-level governance of the DNS becomes an open
> question again.
> Brian
> Sent via Superhuman iOS
> On Sun, Nov 24 2019 at 9:37 AM, <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
>      EFF and 26 other organizations just sent a letter to the Internet
> Society (ISOC) urging it to stop the sale of the Public Interest Registry
> (PIR)—the organization that manages the .ORG
>      top-level domain—to private equity firm Ethos Capital. Our message is
> clear: .ORG is extremely important to the non-governmental organization
> (NGO) community, and our community should have
>      a voice in decisions affecting the future of .ORG.
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/11/nonprofit-community-stands-together-protect-org
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