[liberationtech] Release of Digital Justice Manifesto -- At IGF venue today
Yosem Companys
ycompanys at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 07:30:09 CET 2019
From: parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
(via http://mail.justnetcoalition.org/listinfo/forum)
We request all those in Berlin for the IGF to join us for the release of
Digital Justice Manifesto as per the following program, parminder
*Just Net Coalition *
invites you to the release of
*The Digital Justice Manifesto*
*A Call to Own Our Digital Future*
*25th November, 2.20 PM - 4.30 PM *
*Estrel Saal C, Estrel Congress Centre, Berlin*
*(Venue for the Internet Governance Forum)*
*Manifesto Release by *
*Elvan Korkmaz*
(Member of the German Parliament - Bundestag)
Followed by a panel discussion
*Elvan Korkmaz*
*Anita Gurumurthy (IT for Change)*
*Julia Reda (Former Member of the European Parliament)*
*Fabien Anthony (AfricaGen)*
*Moderated by Sarah Ganter (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)*
Followed by
Q and A session with Just Net Coalition members
*Norbert Bollow, Sally Burch, Richard Hill, Parminder Jeet Singh*
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