[liberationtech] Stop the sale of the Public Interest Registry, says EFF

David Ulevitch david at ulevitch.com
Sun Nov 24 21:27:22 CET 2019

It’s gross. I’m hoping for, and waiting for, hackers to leak emails (etc) from Fadi and the entire ISOC and PIR staff, along with all affiliates. I’m sure the paper trail will be incredible and illuminating. This appears to be so dirty and corrupt. And the CEO of ISOC, Andrew Sullivan, has refused to say anything.

Stopping this feels like a very worthwhile use of my time and money.

Sent via Superhuman iOS ( https://sprh.mn/?vip=david@ulevitch.com )

On Sun, Nov 24 2019 at 9:37 AM, < ycompanys at gmail.com > wrote:

> EFF and 26 other organizations just sent a letter to the Internet Society
> (ISOC) (
> https://www.eff.org/document/coalition-letter-sale-public-interest-registry
> ) urging it to stop the sale of the Public Interest Registry (PIR)—the
> organization that manages the .ORG top-level domain—to private equity firm
> Ethos Capital. Our message is clear: .ORG is extremely important to the
> non-governmental organization (NGO) community, and our community should
> have a voice in decisions affecting the future of .ORG. 
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/11/nonprofit-community-stands-together-protect-org
> --
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