[liberationtech] New Book on Disclosure and Anonymity

Dr_Kefalaki_Communication Institute of Greece mke at coming.gr
Mon Nov 11 11:19:04 CET 2019

It would be wonderful to have a PDF copy.


Thank you!


M. Kefalaki 


From: LT [mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org] On Behalf Of Paola Di Maio
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:09 PM
To: LT
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] New Book on Disclosure and Anonymity


Thanks me too please, a copy

I can post a review or an excerpt to some wire I publish on


I do struggle with anonymity. I think its ok to protect our identities in genral, at the same time I do not want to hide

behind fake identities. Thats not honest. I want to have my name on my door, virtual or physical, without having to feel fear or shame. A lot of mistrust and fake information is

propagated by anonymous sources because it cannot be verified


I have the right to exist, the right to freedom of expression, the right to dissent, and disagree. to voice my opinion and the duty to blow the whistle

when something seems out of line. I do not want to hide behind anonymity all the time

Also, anonymous actions can be dubious and are not verifiable.  I d very much like to have a discussion on this




On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 8:08 PM Tim Schwartz <tim at timschwartz.org <mailto:tim at timschwartz.org> > wrote:

Hi All,

Tim Schwartz here. I’m a digital security educator and longtime lurker of this mailing list. 

Over the last three years, I have been researching and writing a book on how people can safely disclose information to the press, lawyers, and the public – all while maintaining their anonymity. I interviewed many individuals for this book including folks from the Freedom of the Press Foundation, NSA whistleblowers, security experts, and whistleblower lawyers. I wrote A Public Service to give folks a better chance at disclosing information without being retaliated against or having their lives ruined.

I’d be happy to provide anyone on this list with a copy of the pre-publication PDF, just email me. 

A bit more info on the book is here: https://publicservice.guide


tim at timschwartz.org <mailto:tim at timschwartz.org> 
tim.c.schwartz at protonmail.com <mailto:tim.c.schwartz at protonmail.com> 
+1-213-259-3539 on Signal
@timatron on Wire or Keybase


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