[liberationtech] New Book on Disclosure and Anonymity

Sheila sheilaruthparks at comcast.net
Mon Nov 11 02:18:38 CET 2019

Dear Tim,

Thank you for your generosity in offering us all a free PDF pre-publication copy of your forthcoming book.

Very much appreciated.

I also would love a copy.

Kindest regards,

Sheila Parks, EdD
socialist feminist, writer, activist, organizer

Fukushima 8th anniversary, 3.11.19 Nuclear power is not clean, green, renewable. It is dirty, dangerous, expensive. Its radioactive waste causes leukemia and other cancers and lasts millions of years. Moreover, there is no place to store this radioactive waste. Ever. The End.
photomontage at artistlauralynch
Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
Founder, On Behalf Of Planet Earth
617 744 6020

> On Nov 10, 2019, at 5:13 PM, Dorothy Santos <dorothy.r.santos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Tim,
> I would love a copy PDF pre-publication, please. Thank you so much for sharing, your research, and hard work. Definitely appreciate it. 
> Want regards,
> Dorothy R. Santos
> writer | artist
> Pronouns I respond to:
> she/her/hers and they/them/theirs
> https://linktr.ee/deedottiedot <https://linktr.ee/deedottiedot>
> On Nov 9, 2019, at 4:06 AM, Tim Schwartz <tim at timschwartz.org <mailto:tim at timschwartz.org>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Tim Schwartz here. I’m a digital security educator and longtime lurker of this mailing list. 
>> Over the last three years, I have been researching and writing a book on how people can safely disclose information to the press, lawyers, and the public – all while maintaining their anonymity. I interviewed many individuals for this book including folks from the Freedom of the Press Foundation, NSA whistleblowers, security experts, and whistleblower lawyers. I wrote A Public Service to give folks a better chance at disclosing information without being retaliated against or having their lives ruined.
>> I’d be happy to provide anyone on this list with a copy of the pre-publication PDF, just email me. 
>> A bit more info on the book is here: https://publicservice.guide <https://publicservice.guide/>
>> Cheers,
>> Tim
>> tim at timschwartz.org <mailto:tim at timschwartz.org>
>> tim.c.schwartz at protonmail.com <mailto:tim.c.schwartz at protonmail.com>
>> +1-213-259-3539 on Signal
>> @timatron on Wire or Keybase
>> -- 
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