[liberationtech] Remember Aaron Swartz

Saeb Kasm salkasm at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 08:09:01 CET 2019

Let's please remember Aaron Schwartz positively ✨ with the dignity and
compassion that he deserves.

He pushed the frontiers in the digital realm πŸ’» and expanded our collective
imagination πŸŒ… - enabling us to envision the possibilities that the
Creative Commons can engender.

*Check out these two links*:

Let's collectively work towards the completion of Aaron's legacy.

πŸ”· Aaron Schwartz (1986-2013) - A Fighter against the Privatization of

πŸ’  The Internet is Broken

The current internet architecture is abysmal. We must do better. And Aaron
gave us a wonderful start.

All the very best - today and everyday and in solidarity for justice and
peace for all,

β™’ βš–οΈ 🌿

Saeb Kasm <https://saebkasm.academia.edu/>
PhD Candidate
School of Law
Queen Mary University of London <http://www.qmul.ac.uk/research/index.html>
Mile End Road
London | E1 4NS


🌐  London πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§  |  Vienna πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή  |  Beirut πŸ‡±πŸ‡§  |  Los Angeles πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


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On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 6:26 AM bo0od <bo0od at riseup.net> wrote:

> you have a disgusting mentality making me bored to reply to your words
> but its better to say shut up and watch:
> https://invidio.us/watch?v=gpvcc9C8SbM
> and since you mentioned JA watch:
> https://invidio.us/watch?v=9Y1Z6AE5XPw
> If you are too blind after that either you have issues with your brain
> or you work to be against heroes like aaron , ThePirateBay...etc
> Catherine Fitzpatrick:
> >  Um *checks bank balance and food in refrigerator* -- don't think I'm in
> servitude to any powers, big guy.I think if you read some of my posts,
> you'll see that I point out that those who really are in servitude to
> powerare these poor hackers lured to their doom by those with well-paid
> academic posts or worse, giant IT companieswho exploit their free labour
> and re-sell it in their own products.
> > When I used to criticize hackers and big IT 5-6 years ago, I'd be
> brutally harassed by people like Jacob Appelbaum.Now, it's not so hard to
> explain why I was right, why he was a bad actor, and now the whole country
> is protesting about Facebook,which of course, comes out of the nihilist and
> cynical hacker culture, so it's not surprising how it turned out.
> > But I never understand why those of you who are screeching about
> Facebook and Google now can't do the math, and understandthe deep
> connection between loss of privacy and democracy, and the loss of private
> property rights and the rule of law which youyourselves helped bring about.
> > Your hero's ex-girlfriend lied to the grand jury, in fact. Coerced? No,
> just without the courage of her convictions.
> >
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2018/02/why-is-hal-abelson-believing-quinn-nortons-lies-about-aaron-swartzs-guerilla-manifesto.html
> > To describe someone who has *committed suicide* as having "sacrified his
> life" for a cause or having been "murdered by a government"so distorts
> reality, so turns common sense on its ear, that I can only reiterate that
> the greatest threat to our freedoms doesn't come from Russia, or Trump, but
> people like you.
> > Catherine Fitzpatrick
> >
> >
> >
> >     On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 04:38:42 PM EST, John Young <
> jya at pipeline.com> wrote:
> >
> >  Aaron was a very brave and brilliant man. Mentally unstable, not at
> > all, that cheapening charge should be seen as an admitted insecurity
> > of accusers, for some of them a badge of servitude to power (see
> > links provided by the poster).
> >
> > Friends and supporters turned on him after years of high praise and
> > admiration. The justice system hounded him in response to
> > institutional and corporate (copyight and intellectural property)
> > pressure and an amply funded campaign of adverse publicity.
> >
> > A number of people close to Aaron were coerced into testifying
> > against him (some have publicly described this coercion).
> >
> > The fight Aaron courageusly fought and sacrificed his life for
> > continues unabated.
> >
> > Pathetically, so does the negativism of profit-maximizers and their
> > apologists, be they snottily witting or snivelingly coerced.
> >
> >
> > At 04:03 PM 11/9/2019, you wrote:
> >> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> >>         boundary="----=_Part_1278258_1267560078.1573333393199"
> >> Content-Length: 8685
> >>
> >> No.
> >>
> >> The government did not kill Aaron Swartz. He committed suicide, for
> >> which he alone
> >> is responsible.
> >>
> >> Nor was he really going to get any long sentence. The judge had
> >> ruled that he seek mental health
> >> treatment, and he was offered a six month sentence.
> >>
> >> He was not found unfit to stand trial.
> >>
> >> His partner was worried he was going to hurt himself and didn't want
> >> to leave him
> >> alone but finally had to go to work, since she supported them both.
> >>
> >> He committed suicide because he was mentally unstable.
> >>
> >> He had also committed a crime, which was indeed breaking and entry
> >> and stealing
> >> copyrighted materials, which is not "taking out too many library
> >> books". Liberation
> >> tech should not be about criminality, yet too often it is. If you
> >> don't like the prices
> >> of academic journals and have no friend in academia to get them for
> >> you, you are
> >> not required to buy them nor entitled to steal them.
> >>
> >> Seldom do radicals achieve their desired change by committing crime
> >> along the way that they
> >> view is merely the bending of unjust laws. Often they achieve the
> opposite.
> >>
> >> <
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2013/01/the-internet-revolution-has-eaten-another-child.html
> >
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2013/01/the-internet-revolution-has-eaten-another-child.html
> >>
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2013/01/aaron-swartz-committed-a-crime-but-would-not-do-the-time.html
> >> <
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2013/01/why-alex-stamos-is-completely-wrong-about-aaron-swartz.html
> >
> https://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2013/01/why-alex-stamos-is-completely-wrong-about-aaron-swartz.html
> >>
> >>
> >> Catherine Fitzpatrick
> >>
> >>
> >>> US gov killed him, FBI (Fuck Bullshit Intelligence)...  <- something
> >> like  these sentences should be always put as a reminder how the USA was
> >> and still corrupted.
> >>
> >> Thanks for sharing!
> >>
> >> Yosem Companys:
> >>> From: Anriette Esterhuysen <<mailto:anriette at apc.org>anriette at apc.org>
> >>>
> >>> How many of you remember Aaron Swartz? Time passes so quickly. I was
> >>> happy to see that the Internet Archive is celebrating his work on
> >>> freedom of information in a very innovative way.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> <
> https://blog.archive.org/2019/11/06/7th-annual-aaron-swartz-day-at-the-internet-archive/
> >
> https://blog.archive.org/2019/11/06/7th-annual-aaron-swartz-day-at-the-internet-archive/
> >>>
> >>> For those that do not know who he was:
> >>>
> >> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz>
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz
> >>>
> >>> Anriette
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from any major
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