[liberationtech] Remember Aaron Swartz

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sat Nov 9 22:37:51 CET 2019

Aaron was a very brave and brilliant man. Mentally unstable, not at 
all, that cheapening charge should be seen as an admitted insecurity 
of accusers, for some of them a badge of servitude to power (see 
links provided by the poster).

Friends and supporters turned on him after years of high praise and 
admiration. The justice system hounded him in response to 
institutional and corporate (copyight and intellectural property) 
pressure and an amply funded campaign of adverse publicity.

A number of people close to Aaron were coerced into testifying 
against him (some have publicly described this coercion).

The fight Aaron courageusly fought and sacrificed his life for 
continues unabated.

Pathetically, so does the negativism of profit-maximizers and their 
apologists, be they snottily witting or snivelingly coerced.

At 04:03 PM 11/9/2019, you wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----=_Part_1278258_1267560078.1573333393199"
>Content-Length: 8685
>The government did not kill Aaron Swartz. He committed suicide, for 
>which he alone
>is responsible.
>Nor was he really going to get any long sentence. The judge had 
>ruled that he seek mental health
>treatment, and he was offered a six month sentence.
>He was not found unfit to stand trial.
>His partner was worried he was going to hurt himself and didn't want 
>to leave him
>alone but finally had to go to work, since she supported them both.
>He committed suicide because he was mentally unstable.
>He had also committed a crime, which was indeed breaking and entry 
>and stealing
>copyrighted materials, which is not "taking out too many library 
>books". Liberation
>tech should not be about criminality, yet too often it is. If you 
>don't like the prices
>of academic journals and have no friend in academia to get them for 
>you, you are
>not required to buy them nor entitled to steal them.
>Seldom do radicals achieve their desired change by committing crime 
>along the way that they
>view is merely the bending of unjust laws. Often they achieve the opposite.
>Catherine Fitzpatrick
> >US gov killed him, FBI (Fuck Bullshit Intelligence)...  <- something
>like  these sentences should be always put as a reminder how the USA was
>and still corrupted.
>Thanks for sharing!
>Yosem Companys:
> > From: Anriette Esterhuysen <<mailto:anriette at apc.org>anriette at apc.org>
> >
> > How many of you remember Aaron Swartz? Time passes so quickly. I was
> > happy to see that the Internet Archive is celebrating his work on
> > freedom of information in a very innovative way.
> >
> > 
> <https://blog.archive.org/2019/11/06/7th-annual-aaron-swartz-day-at-the-internet-archive/>https://blog.archive.org/2019/11/06/7th-annual-aaron-swartz-day-at-the-internet-archive/
> >
> > For those that do not know who he was:
> > 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz
> >
> > Anriette
> >
> >
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