[liberationtech] New Book on Disclosure and Anonymity
Rodrigo Fernos
rfernos at gmail.com
Sat Nov 9 13:09:47 CET 2019
Would love a copy.
Thank you.
On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 8:08 AM Tim Schwartz <tim at timschwartz.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Tim Schwartz here. I’m a digital security educator and longtime lurker of
> this mailing list.
> Over the last three years, I have been researching and writing a book on
> how people can safely disclose information to the press, lawyers, and the
> public – all while maintaining their anonymity. I interviewed many
> individuals for this book including folks from the Freedom of the Press
> Foundation, NSA whistleblowers, security experts, and whistleblower
> lawyers. I wrote *A Public Service* to give folks a better chance at
> disclosing information without being retaliated against or having their
> lives ruined.
> I’d be happy to provide anyone on this list with a copy of the
> pre-publication PDF, just email me.
> A bit more info on the book is here: https://publicservice.guide
> Cheers,
> Tim
> tim at timschwartz.org
> tim.c.schwartz at protonmail.com
> +1-213-259-3539 on Signal
> @timatron on Wire or Keybase
> --
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