[liberationtech] Modernizing Congress: Bringing Democracy into the 21st Century

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 17:00:00 CEST 2019

From: Lorelei Kelly <loreleikelly at gmail.com>

hi everyone!

I just completed 18 months of field research on Capitol Hill and in
districts to write up this report, with case studies.  It looks at how
members are developing new ways to include civic voice in their
representative duties and points out the need for a systemwide digital
infrastructure that could really make this happen.

I can send you a PDF if you'd like.  The report is downloadable here.


*Thanks,Lorelei KellyFellow, Beeck Center for Social Impact and
InnovationGeorgetown University at loreleikelly
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