[liberationtech] AAAI 2019 Symposium on AI for Social Good, Washington D.C., Nov 7-9, 2019

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Fri Jun 21 04:51:17 CEST 2019

From: Hemant Purohit <hemant at knoesis.org>

Dear all,

Given the recent developments in the availability of big data and
computational power of Artificial Intelligence technologies are continuing
to revolutionize several domains, they are opening up new opportunities and
challenges. We are organizing a symposium with three specific disciplines
where AI could be used for social good:

- Humanitarian Relief and Development
- Planetary Intelligence from Spaceborne Imagery
- Responsible AI in Healthcare

Call for Papers:

AI for Social Good - AAAI Fall Symposium 2019

Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia, USA

November 7 – 9, 2019

This symposium solicits paper submissions from participants (2-6 pages) in
either of the three disciplines described below:

*Humanitarian Relief and Development*: Detecting and predicting how a
crisis or conflict could develop, analyzing the impact of catastrophes in a
cyber-physical society, and assisting in disaster response as well as
resource allocation are of utmost importance, and the advances in AI can be
utilized in many such tasks. This track will focus on all aspects of
humanitarian relief operations supported by the novel use of AI ranging
from enabling missing persons to be located, leveraging crowdsourced data
to provide early warning for rapid response to emergencies, increasing
situational awareness, to logistics and supply chain management.

*Planetary Intelligence from Spaceborne Imagery*: We receive petabytes of
image data from satellites every day that observes atmospheric processes,
vegetation, and water bodies. Due to limited data assimilation techniques
in practice, only a small fraction of these are used for extracting useful,
actionable insights about our planet. This track will focus on computer
vision and machine learning techniques applied on different types of
imagery (satellite, drone, still and video capture, RGB, multispectral,
hyperspectral, combination of imaging with other modalities) to address
practical applications in the environmental and social sciences such as
climate and weather prediction, urban planning, transportation systems,
agricultural monitoring, and socio-economic development analysis.

*Responsible AI in Healthcare*: Healthcare data, in general, is
characterized by several data problems such as missing data, lack of
standardization, incompleteness, etc. which hinders the deployment of
solutions which are relevant to real-world use cases. Moreover, many AI
solutions in healthcare have the "last mile problem" to deliver a practical
solution. These have broader implications in the context of fairness,
explainability, and transparency. This track will focus on a broad range of
AI healthcare applications and challenges encountered including but not
limited to: automation bias, prescriptive AI models, explainability,
privacy and security, transparency, decision rights, and so on, especially
in the context of deployment of AI in healthcare.

Abstracts of the following flavors are sought:

   - Research ideas
   - Case studies (or deployed projects)
   - Review papers
   - Best practice papers
   - Lessons learned

Please submit your papers through the AAAI EasyChair site at
https://ai-for-socialgood.github.io/ (choose 'AI for Social Good' track).
The format is the standard double-column AAAI Proceedings Style. All
submissions will be peer-reviewed. Some will be selected for spotlight
talks, and some for the poster session.

*Important Dates*

   - Paper Submission Deadline: Jul 23, 2019
   - Online Registration Open: Aug 9, 2019
   - Paper Notifications: Aug 16, 2019
   - Camera Ready Deadline: Sep 13, 2019
   - Registration Deadline: Sep 20, 2019
   - Symposium Dates: Nov 7-9, 2019


Track 1: Humanitarian Relief and Development
Dr. Hemant Purohit, George Mason University (Chair)
Dr. James Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dr. Mayank Kejriwal, University of Southern California
Dr. Oshani Seneviratne, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Track 2: Planetary Intelligence from Spaceborne Imagery
Dr. Kalai Ramea, Palo Alto Research Center (Chair)
Dr. Raja Bala, Palo Alto Research Center
Dr. Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Colorado State University
Dr. Stefano Ermon, Stanford University

Track 3: Responsible AI in Healthcare
Dr. Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, University of Washington and KenSci Inc.
Dr. Carly Eckert, University of Washington and KenSci Inc.
Dr. Tae Hyun Hwang, Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Ankur Teredesai, University of Washington and KenSci Inc.

Please consider participating in this symposium.

Hemant et al.

Hemant Purohit
Asst. Professor of Information Sciences & Technology, George Mason
http://ist.gmu.edu/~hpurohit | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/purohithemant> | Twitter
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