[liberationtech] One week left to submit a proposal for The Impacts of Civic Tech Conference (TICTeC)

Gemma Moulder gemma at mysociety.org
Fri Jan 4 02:04:02 PST 2019

Hello everyone,

Can you demonstrate the impacts - good or bad - of Civic Technology you've
been researching, building, running or funding? Or perhaps you'd like to
run a workshop to explore how to do this or to discuss the development of
Civic Tech?

If so, you need to be on the stage at TICTeC (The Impacts of Civic
Technology Conference <https://tictec.mysociety.org/>) this year, helping
the community learn from your experiences.

TICTeC 2019 <https://tictec.mysociety.org/2019> will be held in association
with the OECD in Paris on 19th and 20th March. We welcome you to submit
your presentation and workshop ideas
<https://tictec.mysociety.org/2019#call-for-papers> for inclusion in the
TICTeC programme before the end of *next Friday 11th January 2019. *

Early bird tickets are available until 8th February 2019 and can be purchased
This provides a £100 discount on regular ticket prices.

This is the 5th annual TICTeC, a conference started by mySociety to take
stock of what we know, what works and how in the field of civic technology.
It has been described as "the most important conference in the world for
civic tech". TICTeC brings together around 160 academics, practitioners,
funders, tech giants, students etc from around 30 countries across the
world. Will you join us in 2019?

We hope to welcome you to Paris for another fantastic event!

All the best,


Gemma Moulder (née Humphrys)

*Events Manager /** Alaveteli Partnerships Manager *

mySociety | mysociety.org <http://www.mysociety.org/>

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