[liberationtech] [cpsr-activists] CPSR Curriculum?
Terry Winograd
winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Fri Feb 1 09:47:16 PST 2019
This is an ongoing debate. The observation about how students treat a
single required ethics course is valid, and therefore it requires a lot of
work to make it more engaging (as Stanford is trying to do now). The
problem with trying to integrate it into courses in general is that either
it is taught by faculty who have the same "let's get this over with"
attitude, or by special visiting faculty who drop in for a session or two,
and it still isn't integrated and leads to complaints about losing course
time that the faculty need for the "real material.". Of course it depends
on the local culture and personalities.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 9:35 AM Doug Schuler (via cpsr-activists list)
<cpsr-activists+douglas=publicsphereproject.org at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
> I probably shouldn't have dragged Dick's name into this but here's my take
> on what he was saying.
> IF the ethics / social responsibility material presented in college is
> relegated to a single, required course (and is not integrated with more
> technical material throughout) then it likely to be disparaged by students
> and teachers alike in the department — and thereby have little effect.
> This is evidence from many many years ago but the engineers I worked with
> at Boeing who had had an ethics course acted like it was total BS, a waste
> of time, and not their concern. I'm not saying that they all felt this way
> but their views seemed to be fairly commonplace — which is why I thought
> that Dick's comments were probably pretty relevant.
> — Doug
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 9:34 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Why did he think it was a bad idea?
>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 9:29 PM Doug Schuler <
>> douglas at publicsphereproject.org> wrote:
>>> Good info!
>>> I had been talking to Dick Sclove about this recently and he said that
>>> adding ethics or social responsibility as a class that graduates had to
>>> take was essentially a bad idea. Louis Bucciarelli apparently was using
>>> this in the engineering department at MIT.
>>> I wonder if this approach is being taken in any other CS departments.
>>> — Doug
>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 8:55 PM Paul (via cpsr-activists list)
>>> <cpsr-activists+tallpaul=gmail.com at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
>>>> speaking of curriculum:
>>>> Harvard works to embed ethics in computer science curriculum – Harvard
>>>> Gazette
>>>> https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/01/harvard-works-to-embed-ethics-in-computer-science-curriculum/
>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 8:01 PM Yosem Companys (via cpsr-activists
>>>> list) <cpsr-activists+ycompanys=gmail.com at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
>>>>> Wow, I'd love to see that, even if for historical reasons...
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 6:33 PM Jeff Johnson (via cpsr-activists list)
>>>>> <cpsr-activists+jjohnson=uiwizards.com at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
>>>>>> CPSR Folks,
>>>>>> I seem to recall that educators in CPSR developed a “Socially
>>>>>> Responsible Computing” curriculum for college courses. Am I remembering
>>>>>> correctly? If so, please refresh my memory, or point me to anything online
>>>>>> about it. Of course, it probably is decades old.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jeff Johnson
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>>> --
>>> Douglas Schuler
>>> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
>>> Twitter: @doug_schuler
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> Douglas Schuler
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
> Twitter: @doug_schuler
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