[liberationtech] The Invention of "Ethical AI"

carlo von lynX lynX at time.to.get.psyced.org
Thu Dec 26 10:33:34 CET 2019

On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 06:06:14PM -0800, Steve Phillips wrote:
> But "AI ethics" is a much more vague notion, and not one I've seen
> connected to meaningful action.

That seems to be the point, to take it on a meta level such that
there is no effective action. Yet I see a pretty simple and
straightforward way to make AI ethical:

AI must *never* be fed private, personal or otherwise non-anonymized
data of human beings, not even under the auspices of "consent". Only
then can AI do the useful things like predicting the spread of
diseases without turning human society into a chess game for the
owners of the AI.

Those who are allowed to grab the data become the masters of the
planet. Even if you kid yourself that you own your own data.

This principle of uncollectibility of personal data needs to be
cast into regulation, refined and defined in a sane way as it is of
higher importance than democratic constitutions.

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