[liberationtech] Interesting post by Matt Stoller on "Google's Dangerous Monopoly-Based Foreign Policy"

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 19:17:54 CET 2019

Google is making a call to use leverage that should only be resolved for
very serious foreign policy disputes by the U.S. government, and doing so
to protect itself from having to obey an antitrust law in a foreign
country. Pulling this kind of stunt is like using financial sanctions
recklessly. It works if you’re the dominant network, but every time you use
sanctions you create the incentive to build an alternative. ... Maybe the
U.S. government is fine with this decision to prioritize Google’s monopoly
and forgo leverage by the government it might need in a genuine national
security crisis. But somehow I doubt anyone's really thinking this
through... In other words, I hope a grown-up steps in, but I fear there are
no grown-ups, anywhere.

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