[liberationtech] Dorsey wants to decentralize Twitter

Joseph Pollack josephrichardpollack at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 13:23:02 CET 2019

i reckon twitter is already somewhat decentralized through redundancies,
the only difference is that Jack Dorsey somewhat pays for it. That's the
main difference between his current activity and future vision. the guy
spends less time on the board of twitter than any other "unicorn founders"
and this is just his best way to squeeze value out of his company. Either
he's a traitor to himself and his board , or he'll throw users under the
bus of mediocre local internet infrastructure in the name of uncensorship
which of course (this) decentralization would not accomplish . who cares
what jack dorsey thinks really he's been nothing but transparent when it
mattered time and time again.

love the links and ressources posted to this thread though - make it happen
folks  !

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 8:15 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://decrypt.co/14386/jack-dorsey-wants-to-decentralize-twitter
> --
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