[liberationtech] China Jails the Most Journalists in 2019, Watchdog Group Reports

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 15:45:58 CET 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s efforts to control the media have resulted
in the country now jailing more journalists than any in the world,
Bloomberg reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said in a
report released on Wednesday that China is holding at least 48 journalists
for reasons related to their work, an increase of one over 2018. The group
reports that seven of those were arrested this year, including Australian
writer Yang Hengjun, as Beijing tightens its grip on the press. Turkey is
second on the list with 47 journalists jailed, though protests in the
Middle East have led to increases in journalists being locked up throughout
the region. The CPJ said most of the journalists detained were locals who
were covering their own country and that covering politics, human rights
and corruption were the topics most likely to get a reporter arrested. The
number of journalists jailed for reporting “false news” rose from 28 last
year to 30 this year, compared with one journalist detained for such a
charge in 2012. Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports that police have
stormed the Beijing offices of a large, New York-listed peer-to-peer
lending firm and the group’s chairman has disappeared in the most recent
signal that China has increased its internet loan industry crackdown.

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