[liberationtech] Fwd: Kashmir Telecom Blackout

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 12:07:23 CEST 2019

On 8/9/19, Josh Levy <josh at levjoy.com> wrote:
> Thanks Arzak, I've been following this and it's awful. How are people in the
> region communicating with the outside world and asking for help? Is that
> even possible?

Borders are huge, with the holes needed quite small,
thus comms, people, even some goods, will always find
a way to flow across them. Typical examples, DPRK,
Cuba, Etc.

>> government
>> passed new legislation to reduce the region’s political autonomy
>> government implemented a telecommunications blackout
>> government announced that it would be revoking [freedom]

>> sparked huge unrest

>> To what extent should
>> the government be able to revoke access to connectivity? Have we reached a
>> point where people are entitled to demand connectivity as a fundamental
>> human right? When do the interests of national security trump the rights
>> of millions of people?

Connectivity? Rights? Seems peoples of the world foolishly gave
away all those things to autonomous structures larger than them.
Now that they know the dire situation that mistake has
created for themselves, maybe they should wake up and
take them back, all of them, permanently.

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