[liberationtech] Fwd: Kashmir Telecom Blackout

David Stodolsky dss at socialinformatics.org
Sat Aug 10 11:29:27 CEST 2019

Social WiFi / Mesh Networks may be the only option, if centralize communication systems are being shutdown by the centralized governments. It looks like most of the software is ready to go and there are some hardware projects too. Here are some Mesh Network links.

Serval is a mature project supporting both hardware and software:








Blockchain based:

https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.04078 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.04078>

https://decenter.org/en/what-is-the-mesh-network-and-why-is-it-our-future <https://decenter.org/en/what-is-the-mesh-network-and-why-is-it-our-future>

https://www.rightmesh.io/ <https://www.rightmesh.io/>

https://www.blockmesh.io/ <https://www.blockmesh.io/>

https://ammbr.com/ <https://ammbr.com/>






Oakland, CA:


Hong Kong:

https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26285-hong-kong-protesters-use-a-mesh-network-to-organise/ <https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26285-hong-kong-protesters-use-a-mesh-network-to-organise/>

Legalistic framework:


Home oriented:



                         Tidepools is a re-skinnable collaborative mobile mapping platform for gathering and sharing hyperlocal information and culture through expressive, community maps and data feeds, enabling greater connectivity and communication among neighbors and local organizations. 

Tidepools bridges the digital and physical space of a neighborhood, storing its data on local servers and broadcasted over WiFi so it can run even without reliance on an Internet connection. It integrates location-specific civic data in situ, including real time transit notifications and community safety issues. Community members can share events, user-created map layers and landmarks, and other local temporal information, creating a historical geospatial community database. 

Check out variations of Tidepools  IN THE WILD above, to see how Tidepools has been used in Red Hook, Brooklyn <http://tidepools.co/redhook>, Hurricane Sandy <https://rhiwifi.co/status/>, Gezi Park Protests <http://tidepools.co/gezi> in Turkey, or for the Allied Media Conference <http://tidepools.co/testbed> in Detroit.                     

> On 9 Aug 2019, at 17:06, Josh Levy <josh at levjoy.com> wrote:
> Thanks Arzak, I've been following this and it's awful. How are people in the region communicating with the outside world and asking for help? Is that even possible?
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019, at 11:01 AM, Arzak Khan wrote:
>> When critical infrastructure becomes a weapon. 
>> Large parts of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir were subjected to a total telecommunications blackout this week, as the Indian government passed new legislation to reduce the region’s political autonomy

David Stodolsky, PhD                   Institute for Social Informatics
Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
dss at socialinformatics.org          Tel./Viber: +45 3095 4070

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