[liberationtech] AI Salon on Deepfakes at Stanford on Fri Apr 12 @ 4 om @ Gates 219

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 23:37:59 CEST 2019

From: Michelle Lee <mishlee at stanford.edu>

We're very excited to have our first AI Salon this quarter  Friday April 12
at 4pm at Gates 219 (our usual time and place), on the topic of "Societal
Impact of Deepfakes" with Professor Maneesh Agrawala and Professor Jeff
Hancock. More specifically, we want to discuss how the increasing ease of
creating fake media with AI might be eroding trust in our society and our
democratic institutions, how do we regain that trust, and whether the harms
of Deepfake might be overhyped.

About the Speakers

*Maneesh Agrawala *is the Forest Baskett Professor
of Computer
Science <http://cs.stanford.edu/> and Director of the Brown Institute for
Media Innovation <http://brown.stanford.edu/> at Stanford University. He
works on computer graphics, human computer interaction and visualization.
His focus is on investigating how cognitive design principles can be used
to improve the effectiveness of audio/visual media. The goals of this work
are to discover the design principles and then instantiate them in both
interactive and automated design tools.

*Jeff Hancock* is founding director of the Stanford Social Media Lab
<https://sml.stanford.edu/> and is a Professor in the Department of
Communication at Stanford University. Professor Hancock and his group work
on understanding psychological and interpersonal processes in social media.
He is well-known for his research on how people use deception with
technology, from sending texts and emails to detecting fake online reviews.
His TED Talk
deception has been seen over 1 million times.

About the Event:

For those of you new to AI Salon: this is a roughly bi-weekly event on
Fridays where we discuss high-level topics in AI and machine learning, with
the goal of getting us to think beyond our individual day-to-day research
and better see how what we do fits into the bigger picture of society. We
hold these in the spirit of Enlightenment-era salons, with no electronics or
whiteboard allowed: only free-ranging discussion open to all AI lab
members, with a 10-minute opening statement at the beginning by the two

The week's AI Salon is held Friday from 4pm to 5pm in Gates 219 (2nd floor
open area), with wine & cheese served starting at 3:45 - please come at by
3:55 pm to get wine & cheese and a seat. We start at 4pm sharp!


AI Salon Team
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