[liberationtech] Call for Assistant Teaching Professor in Technology and Social Change
Jessica Lawrence
jlawren2 at ucsc.edu
Wed Sep 19 13:20:12 PDT 2018
***Sent on behalf of Department Chair Julie Bettie***
Dear Colleagues,
The Sociology Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is
pleased to announce the following assistant teaching professor position.
Thanks in advance for sharing this call with your networks and colleagues.
Best regards,
Jessica Lawrence
Administrative Manager
Sociology Department
*UC Santa Cruz: Assistant Teaching Professor of Technology and Social
*(Job #JPF00635)*
*The Sociology Department <http://sociology.ucsc.edu/index.html> at the
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for an
Assistant Teaching Professor position. We seek candidates whose expertise
includes practical experience and research at the intersection of
technology and social change, particularly the use of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) to help address critical social and
environmental problems. Examples of experience and expertise could include:
the use of ICTs in international development work (ICT4D); appropriate
technology; non-profit technology use and management; links between
technology and activism; interactive data visualizations; participatory
mapping, photo-voice, and other participatory research and community
development processes. Experience in project management, monitoring and
evaluation, and social entrepreneurship is also desirable.*
*The successful candidate will be expected to primarily teach at the
undergraduate level and mentor students in applied project development. The
position will involve working directly in the Everett Program
(www.everettprogram.org <http://www.everettprogram.org>), an innovative
program housed in the Sociology Department but open to students across
campus, that empowers students to take direct action on issues of social
justice and environmental sustainability in partnership with
community-based organizations in both the U.S. and around the globe, using
digital tools to help support their work. The successful candidate must be
committed to the equity and inclusion goals of the Everett Program, be an
excellent teacher, and able to work with students, faculty, staff and
community partners from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. We
are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity
and excellence of the academic community through their teaching,
professional activity, and service.*
*The Assistant Teaching Professor title confers the rights and
responsibilities of membership in the Academic Senate and has the payroll
title Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment (LPSOE). An LPSOE
is eligible for promotion to "Security of Employment," which is analogous
to tenure.*
*ACADEMIC TITLE:* Assistant Teaching Professor (Lecturer with Potential for
Security of Employment).
*SALARY:* *Commensurate with qualifications and experience; academic year
(nine-month basis).*
*BASIC QUALIFICATIONS:* Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) in sociology
or related social science field, or in a technical field, such as computer
science, with a strong focus on technology for the public good, along with
teaching experience that could be demonstrated by college-level teaching
and/or applied professional workshops and training programs. Degree
requirements are expected to be completed by 12/31/18.
*POSITION AVAILABLE:* *January 1, 2019. Degree requirements must be
completed by 12/31/18 for employment beyond that date.*
*APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:* Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic
Recruit online system; all documents and materials must be submitted as
*Apply at* *https://recruit.ucsc.edu/apply/JPF00635
Please refer to Position #*JPF00635-19* in all correspondence.
--A letter of application (required)
--Curriculum vitae (required)
--Statement addressing contributions to diversity through professional and
scholarly activities, teaching, and/or service (required). Guidelines on
diversity statements can be viewed at
--Samples of published material (1-3) (e.g. articles and/or book chapters)
--Statement of teaching pedagogy (required)
--Sample course syllabus (required)
--Teaching evaluations (up to 3) (preferred)
*Reference Requirement*
Applications must include confidential letters of recommendation* (a
minimum of three are required and a maximum of three will be accepted).
Please note that your references, or dossier service, will submit their
confidential letters directly to the UC Recruit System.
*All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California
policy and California state law. For any reference letter provided via a
third party (i.e., dossier service, career center), direct the author to
UCSC’s confidentiality statement at http://apo.ucsc.edu/confstm.htm.
Full consideration will be given to applications completed by *November 2,
2018*. Applications received after this date will be considered only if the
position has not been filled.
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