[liberationtech] [Air-L] 3-Week Extension | Re: Call on Department of Interior's Proposed Destruction of Records - Mon October 22, 2018 @ 2 PM EDT
Richard Forno
rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Oct 24 13:42:10 PDT 2018
That third week (19-23 Nov) is Thanksgiving Week in the US, so really it's only a 2 week extension since few people do anything work-related over that family holiday time. TL;DR don't put it off. -- rick
> On Oct 24, 2018, at 4:09 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Patrice McDermott <pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net>
> Thanks, James. NARA has confirmed a 3-week extension (until 23 Nov) on
> comments (just late yesterday). So, Emily Manna/Samantha Feinstein will be
> pulling something together for the openness and transparency folks.
> I encourage the CSS folks, and Fed Data folks, and envir’l folks – and FOIA
> folks! – to start working on drafting your comments – and, of course, to
> circulate them to your communities for sign-on.
> Russ Kick has been doing a deep dive and will be sending something around
> soon. I will recirculate to the listservs here (as he is not on most of
> them).
> Thanks, again, James!
> The current relevant docs are here
> https://altgov2.org/doi-records-destruction/
> Patrice
> Government Information Watch <https://govinfowatch.net/>
> pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net
> @GovInfoWatch
> *From:* Mr. James R. (Librarian) Jacobs [mailto:jrjacobs at stanford.edu]
> Hi Patrice. I’m getting the word out to library- and transparency groups.
> Is there an open public letter onto which people could sign?
> Best
> James Jacobs
> ... . -. - ..-. .-. --- -- -- -.-- - . .-.. . --. .-. .- .--. ....
> On Oct 22, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Patrice McDermott <pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net>
> wrote:
> Before the call, be sure to read NARA’s appraisal memo
> https://altgov2.org/wp-content/uploads/DAA-0048-2015-0003_Appraisal_Memo.pdf
> It is NOT the final word, but it may help inform the discussion – and
> comments.
> Patrice
> Government Information Watch <https://govinfowatch.net/>
> pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net
> @GovInfoWatch
> *From:* Patrice McDermott
> Yes, that is Russ Kick’s site & is definitely credible, etc. Russ has made
> it easier for folks to find these requests to NARA from agencies. NARA is
> working on a way to do that but is not there yet. The closed cases site is
> not it, of course, as it only shows the ones on which final decisions have
> been made. One can also just set up an alert from the Fed Reg, but Russ’s
> site is centralized.
> I urge folks to look at Russ’s site. The request is very extensive.
> Patrice
> Government Information Watch <https://govinfowatch.net/>
> pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net
> @GovInfoWatch
> *From:* Anne Polansky <AnneP at whistleblower.org>
> Hello all, looking forward to our call this afternoon!
> Don't know if you all have seen this -- I found an "alt" site - looks to be
> credible and legit - detailed and informative.
> https://altgov2.org/doi-records-destruction/
> And, this web page from the National Archives is a useful reference as well
> - perhaps the archivist-types in this group are familiar but this is a new
> info source to me.
> https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/resources/unauthorizeddispositionclosedcases
> Unauthorized Dispositions Closed Cases | National Archives
> <https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/resources/unauthorizeddispositionclosedcases>
> www.archives.gov
> Under 44 USC 3106 and 36 CFR Part 1230, "Unlawful or Accidental
> Removal, Defacing, Alteration, or Destruction of Records," Federal agencies
> are required to "notify the Archivist of any actual, impending, or
> threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, corruption, deletion,
> erasure, or other destruction of records in the custody of the agency."
> NARA also receives
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Patrice McDermott <pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net>
> Reminder of call today (and first notification for FOI list folks – sorry).
> Patrice
> Government Information Watch <https://govinfowatch.net/>
> pmcdermott at govinfowatch.net
> @GovInfoWatch
> October 22, 2018 @ 2 PM EDT Call on Department of Interior's Proposed
> Destruction of Records
> The DOI is asking for permission to destroy records about oil and gas
> leases, mining, dams, wells, timber sales, marine conservation, fishing,
> endangered species, non-endangered species, critical habitats, land
> acquisition, and lots more. See further highlighted info in the note from
> Russ Kick below.
> October 29 is the deadline to comment. During this call organizations can
> share their proposed action plan and ideas for collaborative action.
> Call-in details included:
> https://goo.gl/forms/lvJAAhOcZFsmU5zg2
> Please RSVP <https://goo.gl/forms/lvJAAhOcZFsmU5zg2> and share with other
> orgs/groups that might be interested.
> *From:* Samantha Feinstein
> Good Morning,
> This is a friendly reminder about today’s call at 2:00 for those of you who
> interested in discussing the Department of Interior's proposed destruction
> of records.
> Please RSVP here if you plan to participate:
> https://goo.gl/forms/LDQdJV85Lt9ZU0Nh2
> Many thanks,
> Samantha
> *Samantha Feinstein *
> *Senior Legal and International Analyst *Government Accountability Project
> 1612 K St., NW, Suite 1100
> Washington, DC 20006
> Phone: 202-457-0034 x 162
> E-mail: SamanthaF at whistleblower.org
> Website: http://www.whistleblower.org
> Skype: SamanthaF at whistleblower.org
> *Government Accountability Project is the nation’s leading whistleblower
> protection organization. Through litigating whistleblower cases,
> publicizing concerns and developing legal reforms, Government
> Accountability Project’s mission is to protect the public interest by
> promoting government and corporate accountability. Founded in 1977,
> Government Accountability Project is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy
> organization located in Washington, D.C.*
> *NOTICE:* *This communication may be unlawfully collected and stored by the
> National Security Agency (NSA) in secret. The parties to this email do not
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> metadata, as well as printing, copying, re-transmitting, disseminating, or
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> communication in error, please delete it immediately and do not print,
> copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use this information. Also,
> please indicate to the sender that you have received this communication in
> error.*
> *From:* Samantha Feinstein
> October 22, 2018 @ 2 PM EDT Call on Department of Interior's Proposed
> Destruction of Records
> The DOI is asking for permission to destroy records about oil and gas
> leases, mining, dams, wells, timber sales, marine conservation, fishing,
> endangered species, non-endangered species, critical habitats, land
> acquisition, and lots more. See further highlighted info in the note from
> Russ Kick below.
> October 29 is the deadline to comment. During this call organizations can
> share their proposed action plan and ideas for collaborative action.
> Call-in details included:
> https://goo.gl/forms/lvJAAhOcZFsmU5zg2
> Please RSVP <https://goo.gl/forms/lvJAAhOcZFsmU5zg2> and share with other
> orgs/groups that might be interested.
> *Samantha Feinstein *
> *Senior Legal and International Analyst *Government Accountability Project
> 1612 K St., NW, Suite 1100
> Washington, DC 20006
> Phone: 202-457-0034 x 162
> E-mail: SamanthaF at whistleblower.org
> Website: http://www.whistleblower.org
> Skype: SamanthaF at whistleblower.org
> *Government Accountability Project is the nation’s leading whistleblower
> protection organization. Through litigating whistleblower cases,
> publicizing concerns and developing legal reforms, Government
> Accountability Project’s mission is to protect the public interest by
> promoting government and corporate accountability. Founded in 1977,
> Government Accountability Project is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy
> organization located in Washington, D.C.*
> *NOTICE:* *This communication may be unlawfully collected and stored by the
> National Security Agency (NSA) in secret. The parties to this email do not
> consent to the retrieving or storing of this communication and any related
> metadata, as well as printing, copying, re-transmitting, disseminating, or
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> confidential information. If you believe you have received this
> communication in error, please delete it immediately and do not print,
> copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use this information. Also,
> please indicate to the sender that you have received this communication in
> error.*
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Russ Kick
> As I mentioned a while back, I've started a new project to bring
> much-needed transparency to the process whereby agencies get permission to
> destroy their records at fixed intervals (chosen by the agencies and okayed
> by the National Archives). I'm obtaining and posting every such request,
> which have never appeared online before. This project is here:
> https://altgov2.org/records-destruction-requests/
> Today I want to specifically highlight a massive request from the
> Department of the Interior to schedule records destruction across *all *of
> its agencies.
> It's asking for permission to destroy records about oil and gas leases,
> mining, dams, wells, timber sales, marine conservation, fishing, endangered
> species, non-endangered species, critical habitats, land acquisition, and
> lots more. It's also wanting to permanently retain a smaller subset of
> documents in each category, which will be transferred to the National
> Archives, where they will become harder to access via FOIA.
> This is crucial stuff. In the months, years, and decades ahead, if you get
> "records destroyed" responses, or a vague "no records" response, from NPS,
> BLM, FWS, BIA, etc., this could be the root cause.
> But there's time to comment. *October 29 *is the deadline I was given.
> Here's all the info, including a streamlined, easy-to-read HTML version of
> Interior's extensive request:
> https://altgov2.org/doi-records-destruction/
> --Russ
> --
> *Please support my fight against secrecy: altgov2.org/donate
> <http://www.altgov2.org/donate>*
> Russ Kick
> http://www.russkick.com/
> http://www.altgov2.org/
> http://www.thememoryhole2.org/
> --
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